Saturday, July 3, 2021

The Way of Holiness

The Way of Holiness

Isa. 35:8

In the Book of Isaiah is found some of the most inspiring and beautiful poetry that has ever been written. One of his greatest poems is the 35th chapter. In it Isaiah sees the fulfillment of the promises made to the patriarchs, God's people dwelling in peaceful habitations in a land prosperous and productive. His vision is far more glorious than anything history records in that restoration.

Christ ushered in an era in which the eyes of the blind were opened, the ears of the deaf were unstopped, the lame leaped, and the tongue of the dumb sang. In His continuing kingdom on earth He cast up an highway over which His sanctified people would journey to the land of pure delight.

Pilgrims enter this higher way of holiness by making a full and final consecration of all they have and are to the fulfillment of God's perfect will in them. They pursue the way with a dependable sense of direction. They are not lured to the byways and detours by the siren song of worldly pleasure. They have blessed assurance of protection from contamination by the unclean and from ravenous beasts that lurk along the way.

Those who travel this way of holiness are under compulsion of a mission. There is a vast, howling wilderness of sin to subdue. There is a barren desert to reclaim from the power of evil. Christ can and will make all things new. These pilgrims will come to their eternal home with songs of everlasting joy upon their heads. They shall be home with the Lord forever.

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