Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The Vindication of the Righteous

The Vindication of the Righteous

Isa. 54:17

The righteous servant of God is indestructible. His vindication by a holy God is as certain as the chastisement of the transgressor. Those who devise evil against him will either be turned to confusion or changed into defenders.

This does not mean that the righteous man is never misunderstood or that he will never be outnumbered and defeated. Jesus said, "The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you" (John 15:20). The righteous servant of God is sure to clash swords with evildoers in an ungodly society. He cannot escape the battle, and in the moment of conflict he may suffer defeat and humiliation. Nevertheless, in the final showdown, right will triumph over wrong. The righteous man takes more comfort in his defeat than he would in sharing the temporary victory of 'wrongdoers. The cause for which he gave his life will win the decision at the bar of the infallible Judge.

Jesus Christ, the personification of truth and goodness, died at the hands of evil accusers and a cringing coward, but the grave could not keep its prey. He arose from the dead. He will pronounce righteous judgment: "Depart from me," and "Come, ye blessed of my Father" (Matt. 25:41, 34).

God has promised to deliver the righteous from the strife of tongues. They may not always exercise perfect judgment, and they may err in practice; but they live with a clear conscience, which in itself is sweet consolation. Their defense is sure.

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