Sunday, July 18, 2021

Lesson Three of the Quarter: Opposition Overcome

 Today's lesson comes from Ezra 4: 1-7; 23, 24; 5: 1, 2. The Israelites had returned to their homeland. After settling in their villages, they set up the altar on the same foundation where the original altar had been. The next step was to begin working on the temple. The foundation was laid in the second month of the second year after their arrival. Things seemed to be going well and the people looked forward to a time when they would have a place to worship. 

There will be several lessons for us today as we study what occurred to the returning Israelites. When individuals take their stand for truth, purity, and separation from the world, they will often experience opposition. This is a key theme in today's lesson. When opposition came, the Jews initially gave up the project of rebuilding the temple, and turned to meeting their own material interest. This is a warning against the dangers of materialism. We will see that construction resumed when God sent His prophets, and the people responded to their message. Success in the work of God comes when we hear and obey His word.

The first section is "Fundamental Purity." vv. 1-3 In verse 1, we learn that the offer to help build the temple came from the "adversaries of Judah and Benjamin." They were pretending to be believers in the Lord, but they were worshippers of a multitude of gods. These Samaritans declared that they had much in common with the Jews. "We are immigrants just like you." However, they knew nothing of the covenant relationship with God as His chosen people. Zerubbabel was a leader with some experience and he said, "Ye have nothing to do with us." "We ourselves together will build unto the LORD God of Israel." God is the God of Israel, not of the compromising Samaritans. 

These are the summary points of the first section:

1. There is a danger involved if the church unites with unbelievers to accomplish God's work. 

2. It is important to listen to godly leadership when problems arise.

3. Sometimes what sounds like a good idea is really Satan's plan to destroy God's work and the spiritual effectiveness of the church.

The second section is "Frustrated Purpose." vv. 4, 5 Having been unsuccessful in attempting to infiltrate the ranks of the Jews, the adversaries "weakened the hands of the people of Judah." They began to undermine the morale of the workers. They may have destroyed their crops, broke into their homes or threatened the Jews with loss of their lives or family members. 

However, the Samaritans did not stop there. They "hired counsellors against them, to frustrate their purpose." Cyrus had made the decree for the Jews to build the temple. The counselors were sent to the Persian rulers to influence them against the Jews. Propaganda was being spread by the Samaritans to produce confusion, misdirection, and disunity. 

These are the summary points of this section:

1. The devil and carnal people like to resist spiritual leaders when they make a stand.

2. When the people of God take steps to worship the LORD, they should expect opposition.

3. Beware of pessimists who will try to discourage you.

The third section is "Fraudulent Politics." vv. 6-24 The opposition wrote letters addressed to Ahasuerus and Artaxerxes to stop the construction of the city walls and foundations. Verses 6-23 reveal how the Jews were still opposed, even after the temple was completed in 516 B.C. The charges were false accusations and misrepresented the facts. The king wrote a letter requiring an immediate halt to the construction of the city. 

When Rehum and Shimshai heard the content of king Artaxerxes' letter, they immediately went to Jerusalem and "by force and power," they caused the work to cease. As a result, the enthusiasm of the Jews began to wane. Their hopes and vision grew dim.  It appeared that evil had prevailed. Jews turned to building their own homes, and settling down in the land.

These are the summary points of this section:

1. There will be difficulties when building the kingdom of God.

2. We are to look to the LORD for help and strength.

3. Never allow discouragement to steal your desire to do God's work.

The fourth section is "Faithful Prophets." 5: 1, 2 Thank God for His prophets that speak truth. God raised up two prophets, Haggai and Zechariah, to get the people back to work. Haggai told of God's blessings if the people would obey. Zechariah's messages proclaimed a glorious future for Israel. The people responded and threw off their lethargy and indifference. The prophets, the prince Zerubbabel, the priest, Joshua, and the people united to finish the work in four years. Solomon's temple was destroyed in 586B.C. and 70 years later, in 516B.C., the new temple was completed. 

These are the summary points of this section:

1. God's messengers may bring a message of rebuke or blessings. 

2. In the Old Testament, blessings were conditioned on obedience.

3. God's plans will never be thwarted because He is Sovereign over all the earth.

The Golden Text is: "We ourselves together will build unto the LORTD God of Israel." (Ezra 4: 3) Zerrubbabel refused the help of the Samaritans. Paul said, "a little leaven leaveneth the whole loaf." The work of God does not need to compromise with the world to build the kingdom of God. Too many today bring in the world's methods to the church. That is friendship with the world which means enmity (opposed) to God. Let us be ever faithful not to compromise with the world and its ways.

Next week, "The Temple Completed." Ezra 6: 2-15

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