Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Love Is Reciprocal

Love Is Reciprocal

Hos. 14:4

As God had taken His chosen people to himself, in like manner Hosea had in love taken Gomer into the exclusive covenant of marriage. As the awareness of the infidelity of his wife grew upon him, his love for her was tinged with unspeakable grief. But that love mingled with sadness never turned to bitterness and hatred. It was constant love that would not consent to give the unfaithful wife up to her adulterous lovers.

Gomer, in degradation, was taken to the slave market to be sold to the highest bidder, The husband of her youth was among those who were present for the auction. Hosea must have seen something familiar and something yet to love beneath the disheveled appearance of the woman offered for sale. In the hope and faith that restoration to virtue and beauty was possible, the lawful husband bought Gomer for what amounted to the price of a slave. After a proper time of purification, the prophet took his erring wife back to share his life and love forever.

Since God is holy, He could not condone sin. Nevertheless, He is the God of steadfast love. Therefore, to the sinning nation He would show mercy. From His heart overflowing with love came the grief-laden lament, "How shall I give thee up, Ephraim?" (11:8); and later Came the promise, "I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely."

Hosea is the prophet of grace. He proclaimed that God in holy love offers pardon to every penitent sinner.

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