Monday, July 12, 2021

The Son of Man

Son of Man

Ezek. 2:1-2

When God addressed Ezekiel, He called him "Son of man." His name means "one whom God sustains," an appropriate designation for one whose message was directed to the "rebellious house of Israel." God told him that their faces were like flint but that He would make his face as adamant. Ezekiel was called to preach whether they would hear or forbear.

Ezekiel testified, "The heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God" (1:1). If he had not had a personal encounter with God, he could only speak as a man to other men. But Ezekiel could say, "Thus saith the Lord."

Ezekiel also said, "The spirit entered into me when he spake unto me, and set me upon my feet, that I heard him that spake unto me." He was full of divine energy. In the power of the Spirit, he spoke with authority.

God said also to Ezekiel, "Eat this roll, and go speak unto the house of Israel." The prophet responded, "Then did I eat it" (3:1, 3). He who speaks the word must digest it, assimilate it, and live it.

Ezekiel went to the captives. "I sat where they sat" (3:15). He identified himself with the people to whom he was sent. He listened in silence. He heard their confession and complaints. He assessed their attitudes. If the teachers and preachers today know firsthand the sins, the sorrows, the commitments, and the protests of those to whom they minister, their message will be relevant.

The Spirit entered into the prophet, saying, "Go, shut thyself within thine house" (3:24). There, alone, he heard God speak. Therefore he had a message from God.

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