Sunday, July 11, 2021

Lesson Two of the Quarter: The Foundation Laid

 Today's lesson comes from Ezra 3: 1-13. The first step the Jews took in regard to the restoration of the spiritual life of the nation was to set up the altar for the sacrifices and offerings. The altar was the place where atonement was made, and man could come before God. It is symbolic of the first work of grace. The next step was to begin construction of the temple. A good foundation is essential to both a building and for spiritual life. After an individual is saved, he must begin constructing a consistent spiritual life. 

When the people, led by Zerubbabel, arrived in the homeland, they settled into their homes and villages. They looked forward to the renewal of worship at the temple site. The people were unified in their purpose. "The people gathered themselves together as one man to Jerusalem."

The first section is "The Altar and Offerings." vv. 1-6 The seventh month was the most sacred month of the Jewish year. The following events took place during the seventh month:

1. Feast of Trumpets (1st day of the month): the altar was set up and first offerings were made.

2. Day of Atonement (10th day of the month): day of forgiveness.

3. Feast of Tabernacles (15th day of the month (15th day of the month): lasted eight days remembering the time of living in the wilderness. 

Joshua and Zerubbabel directed that the altar be set upon its bases. This meant that the altar was to be set up on the original porch. They were not seeking a new or innovative form of worship. After the altar was set up, they immediately "offered burnt offerings thereon unto the LORD." Another reason the leaders were motivated to set up the altar was that the Jewish people sought the divine protection from the LORD. The Jews were surrounded and they sought God's favor and guidance.

The summary points of the section:

1. Fear and adverse circumstances should encourage people to seek God.

2. Just like offerings were offered both in the morning and evening, we should have a consistent devotional life.

3. We should never cling to the world's system of thinking. 

The second section is "Men and Materials." vv. 7-9 From the money given for the construction of the temple, it was used for the masons and carpenters to begin obtaining the building material that would be needed. The actual construction was begun in the second month of the second year. This would have followed the celebration of the Passover in the first month. The leaders were all eager to begin the work. To avoid confusion and wasted effort, they "appointed the Levites, from twenty years old and upward, to set forward the work." The Levites had originally been assigned the care of the sanctuary (Numbers 1:50). King David had employed the Levites at twenty years of age. The Levites would "set forward the workman in the house of God," those who actually performed the labor of construction. 

The summary points for this section:

1. You need to clear the rubble out of the way before you begin to serve God.

2. The work of the LORD needs to be supervised by those in authority to avoid confusion and waste.

The third section is "Construction Begun." vv. 10-13 After the foundation was laid, the people began to praise the Lord with trumpets and cymbals. Music was an important part of the worship. Some people remembered the glory of Solomon's temple and the new one did not compare in that it lacked costly adornment. Some people shouted for joy and others wept in sorrow. The new temple while larger, did not have the same splendor. The shouts of joy prevailed over the noise of weeping. 

The summary points for this section:

1. Music is a part of worship.

2. Don't miss today's blessings because of the past.

3. True religion is more than ornate buildings.

The Golden Text is: "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." (1 Cor. 3:11) Jesus Christ is our foundation and corner stone. Everything we do must be built on Him. No true church will have any other foundation than Jesus Christ. He is the foundation on which we can depend. He will never fail us.

Points to ponder:

1. What is more important, the house of worship or the worship in the house of God?

2. Is God different in our generation?

3. How much did the sin of the people (that led to captivity) cost the the following generation?

Next week: "Opposition Overcome." (Ezra 4: 1-7; 23,24; 5:1).

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