Monday, January 31, 2022

1-31-2022 Devotion: Legacy

 Exodus 1:7: "But the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly, multiplied and grew exceedingly mighty; and the land was filled with them." When Jacob moved his entire family to Egypt to live with his son Joseph and be saved from the famine, there were approximately 70 people total (this includes Joseph and his two sons who were already in Egypt). People that have faith in YHVH (Yehovah) and walk in His ways will prosper and walk in abundance. I'm not talking about material riches, I am talking about spiritual riches. Material riches may result, but that is not the point. Living a Godly lifestyle has benefits. Further, that benefit passes down through generations. Jonathan Edwards, a famous Puritan preacher in the 1800s, lived a life for the Lord Jesus Christ. His descendants included a future Vice-President, 3 senators, 3 governors, 3 mayors, 100 missionaries, and many preachers and scholars. Max Jukes was an atheist and among his 560 descendants included  300 who died as beggars, 150 criminals including 7 murderers, and more than half of the women were prostitutes. Living Godly doesn't just impact your life, but your families as well. Walk in holiness.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Fifth Lesson of the Quarter: Jericho Destroyed

 Today's lesson comes from Joshua 6: 15-25. The spies have returned with a good report, the Israelites have crossed the Jordan River, they have set up the two memorials, so it is time to move against Jericho. The city of Jericho had been "straitly shut up." This means no one could enter or leave the city. The gates were tightly barred. The LORD gave Joshua the battle plan. Sometimes, I wonder what the leaders in the army must have thought when they first heard the strategy. The people would march around the city in the following order:

1. An armed group of soldiers.

2. Seven priests blowing seven trumpets.

3. Then the Ark of the Covenant.

4. Finally, the rest of the people.

No one was to say a word until Joshua gave the command. The march around Jericho would take place for six days. The seventh day would be different.

The first section is: "The Seventh Day." (vv. 15,16) During the six days, no battering rams or ramps were built to attack the city. No human methods were employed. The people had placed all their trust in the Word of God. It would be by faith that the walls fell. (Hebrews 11:30: "By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days.") 

On the seventh day, the people would circle Jericho seven times. The number seven means completeness or perfection. The sounding of the trumpets and the Ark of the Covenant signified the presence of God. This would be God's battle. The fall of Jericho was crucial to conquering the central area of Palestine. When Jericho fell, terror would strike the Canaanite cities. 

The summary points of this section are: 

1. Sometimes, God moves in mysterious ways.

2. Faith and obedience are keys to victory in our spiritual conflicts.

3. Sometimes the battle is just to be silent.

The second section is: "The Accursed Thing." (vv. 17-19) The word "accursed" can also be translated as "devoted." The city of Jericho was devoted to destruction as a type of "firstfruits" of the conquest of Canaan. The firstfruit offering was of the grain, new wine, oil and the first shearing of sheep. (Leviticus 2:12) The firstfruits of the harvest were to be devoted to the LORD. In later battles, the people would be allowed to keep the spoil of the conquered cities. However, all the spoils from Jericho belonged to the LORD. Everything except the precious metals were to be destroyed. Israel had to learn not to covet, but freely give to the LORD. They had to "touch not the unclean thing" if they were to retain the favor of God.

The summary points of this section are:

1. We must not touch unclean things the LORD has forbidden. 

2. Some things have been devoted to being destroyed for God's glory.

3. We must be a people that don't covet and instead freely give to the LORD.

The third section is: "The Trumpet's Sound." (vv. 20,21) As the priests continued to blow the trumpets, the seventh lap around the city was completed. The blowing of the trumpets heralded the time of liberty, rest and victory. When Joshua called out, "Shout for the LORD hath given you the city," the people responded with a loud and joyous cry. Right before their eyes, the walls of Jericho fell down. God caused them to fall under their own weight. What the people inside had trusted to protect them failed under the power of God. After the walls fell, each soldier marched "straight before him, and they took the city." The city was destroyed, and it was burnt with fire (v. 24). The precious metals were put in the treasury of the LORD. 

The summary points of this section are:

1. Our God is the God of the impossible.

2. If you are trusting anything to save you except the LORD, your trust is misplaced.

3. Nothing can stop our God.

The fourth section is: "The Promise Kept." (vv. 22-25) Three Sundays ago, we learned about Rahab who saved the lives of the spies. Joshua instructed the two spies to go back to Rahab's house and to "bring out thence the woman and all that she hath." The promise made was kept. Rahab and her family were saved. Her family would have learned about the God of Israel from Rahab. They learned that the people of Israel could be trusted, and that their God was the true God. Historians tell us that Rahab later married a prince of the tribe of Judah. She gave birth to a son who was named Boaz. He was the great-grandfather of King David, from whose lineage came our Savior Jesus Christ.

The summary points of this section are:

1. Our God is faithful, and we can trust Him.

2. Rahab's faith in the LORD saved her family.

3. Don't allow your past to determine your future.

The Golden Text is: "Shout; for the LORD hath given you the city." (Joshua 6:16) God's people have a history of shouting. From the coronation of Saul (1 Samuel 10:24), Israel's armies chasing the Philistines (1 Samuel 17:52), or David bringing the Ark of the Covenant (2 Samuel 6:15), God's people have not been afraid to shout. We should not be afraid to show our excitement or the LORD and what He has done for us. We don't want to be the "frozen chosen" or the "entirely cranktified." We want to be joyous even in the midst of challenges. Remember Who we serve!

Next week: "Defeat at Ai." (Joshua 7: 1-12)

1-30-2022 Devotion: Forgiveness

 Genesis 50: 20: "But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive." Jacob has died. The brothers are concerned that Joseph will take revenge against them for their selling him into slavery. They tell Joseph that before their father died he told them to tell him to forgive them. Today's verse is Joseph's response. Joseph had a forgiving heart that understood God's Providence. Joseph saw the "big picture." Sometimes you can get so mired in the details of the hurt that you don't see what is happening from a higher plane. Joseph had that understanding. He never took revenge. His forgiveness was genuine. When you trust God's Providence, you know that everything is going to work together for good for God's people (Romans 8: 28).

Saturday, January 29, 2022

1-29-2022 Devotion: Separation

 Genesis 47: 29: "...bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt." Jacob is speaking to Joseph right before Jacob passes away. It is important to him to not be buried in Egypt. Egypt was a heathen nation. It did not worship the LORD. Even in death, Jacob sought to be separated from the evil around him. The Bible uses the term "sanctification." It means to separate from a profane use to a holy use. It can be applied to people as well as things. We must balance the need to be separate from evil people, yet remain close enough to the evil people to witness to them the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We should be able to be in the presence of sin without taking part in the sin. We don't embrace sin, or tolerate it in our presence. We are to be light in a dark world. Watch where you sleep.

Friday, January 28, 2022

1-28-2022 Devotion: Never lose hope

 Genesis 46: 30: "And Israel said unto Joseph, Now let me die, since I have seen thy face, because thou art yet alive." It had been about twenty-two years since Jacob had seen his son Joseph. For all those years he labored under the mistaken assumption that his son was dead. Now that he has seen Joseph, he is ready to die. The entire time that Jacob had given up hope, God was working behind the scenes, to Jacob that is, to bring Joseph into a place that He (God) could save a nation through him. The point is, never lose hope. Never give up. You rarely will know all that is happening. Trust in the Providence of God. He is at work. He doesn't slumber or sleep. Be hopeful.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

1-27-2022 Devotion: Say Nothing.

 Genesis 45: 3: "Then Joseph said to his brothers, 'I am Joseph; does my father still live?' But his brothers could not answer him, for they were dismayed in his presence." Joseph has revealed who he is to his brothers. Can you imagine the emotions of the brothers? They had sold Joseph into slavery, thought he was dead, and now their actions would be discovered by their father and no telling what revenge Joseph might take on them. In chapter 50, verses 19-21, Joseph will assure the brothers that what they meant for evil, God meant for good. That is the relevant point. God had a plan. He would use secondary causes, the brothers, Potipher's wife, the baker and the butler, and the famine to bring about His master plan. Many times we can be like the brothers and don't know what to say. However, we can rest in God's Sovereignty and Providence. We can do the wrong thing, but we should know that we are a part of God's plan and He will work it out for good. His will will be done. We don't need to be silent. We can bless the LORD at all times and let His praise continually be in our mouth (Psalm 34:1). 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

1-26-2022 Devotion: The Dream

 Genesis 42: 6: "Now Joseph was governor over the land; and it was he who sold to all the people of the land. And Joseph's brothers came and bowed down before him with their faces to the earth." Back in Genesis 37: 1-11, Joseph had a dream that his father, mother and brothers would bow down to him. This dream brought him a rebuke from his father and brothers. It made his brothers very jealous of him. In the same chapter just a few verses later, Joseph's brothers would act on that jealousy and sell him to the Midianites who were headed to Egypt. The point to focus on is when God has implanted a truth to you from His Word, you may be confident it will come to pass. The dream led to jealousy, jealousy led to betrayal, and the betrayal got Joseph to Egypt so that God's Word in the dream would come true. Understand God's plan: if Joseph had not gotten to Egypt he would not have been in a position to save Jacob and the other Isarelites. If all the Israelites had died because of the famine, and the Messiah was to come from a Jewish line, then no Messiah would have been able to come (No Christmas) and be born in a manger and die on a cross for your sins. But for the dream... and God's Providence.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

1-25-2022 Devotion: Humility

 Genesis 41: 39: "Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, 'Inasmuch as God has shown you all this, there is no one as discerning and wise as you.'"Joseph interprets the dream and informs Pharaoh that there will seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine. Joseph tells Pharaoh to find a "discerning and wise man, and set him over the land of Egypt." Pharaoh has no difficulty selecting such a man, it will be Joseph. Humility is important in picking leaders. In fact, the best man for the job is the one that doesn't want it. Moses didn't want the responsibility of leading the Israelites out of bondage. Gideon didn't want to battle the Midianites. When people are humble and don't want advancement, they are prime candidates in God's eyes. Whether you are chosen to have a major part in a move of God, or just moving the trash to the curb, know that if you are humble, God will promote you to where you are supposed to be. Be humble and wait.

Monday, January 24, 2022

1-24-2022 Devotion: It’s Not You

 Genesis 41: 16: "So Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, 'It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh an answer of peace.'" Pharaoh needs someone to interpret his dream. The butler remembers Joseph who had correctly interpreted his dream when they both were in prison. Pharaoh has Joseph released from prison, cleaned up and brought to him. Pharaoh tells Joseph that he can understand dreams and interpret them. Our verse is Joseph's response. Any time someone wants to compliment us, we should consider the source of our talent or kill. God is your source, not yourself. In most of the churches today, they are man-centered in their theology and practice. It is all about a mortal man. This is wrong. We need to get back to a place where we recognize God's Sovereignty and Providence. While it might be tempting to take some credit for yourself, be like Joseph and say "It is not in me." But God....

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Fourth Lesson of the Quarter: Two Memorials of Stone

 Think about memorials. We have national memorials, written memorials, religious memorials, and hopefully, some personal spiritual memorials. Each memorial stands for something important. It bears a message to those who erected it and to those of succeeding generations. Today's lesson comes from Joshua 4: 4-11; 20-24. Memorials can provide us with an opportunity to recount God's wonderous acts to others. You should consider keeping a spiritual diary to record your own memorials as you journey this life following the Lord Jesus Christ.

The first section is: "A Visible Memorial." (vv. 4-7) Joshua called twelve men (v.4), one from each tribe, and told them to go into the Jordan River and take a stone upon their shoulders, one for each tribe (v.5). They must have been large stones to need to be carried on their shoulders. The stones were to be a sign for succeeding generations of the miracle God performed in cutting off the waters of the Jordan (vv.6,7). 

A sign calls attention to something significant. The stones were to remind the people of what God had done. This would be an important memorial for generations to come. The stones would be a "memorial unto the children of Israel for ever." The God Who helped His people long ago will not fail His people today. Remember the memorials.

The summary points of this section are:

1. We should make spiritual memorials of God's faithfulness to us.

2. Personal testimonies create a hunger in others to experience the same blessings that we have had.

3. Without memorials, we have a tendency to forgot God's working in our lives.

The second section is: "An Inner Witness." (vv. 8-11) In this portion, we learn that there were two memorials. One memorial was created by the twelve representatives and was at Gilgal. The other memorial was created by Joshua (v.9) and was in the midst of the Jordan River. Some have spiritualized these verses to represent an inner and outer witness to the work done by the Holy Spirit in salvation and entire sanctification. The inner witness is a matter of the heart and the outer witness is the changed conduct of the person saved. 

Another item of interest is the different ways the people obeyed God. The priests stood still in the midst of the Jordan (v.9) while the people made hast and passed over (v.10). The priests were obedient to the Lord by standing still. The people were obedient by moving quickly. The point is that people may have different approaches to a move of God and they both may be walking in obedience. 

The summary points of this section are:

1. True religion is a matter of the heart. 

2. Once you know the will of God, make hast to obey.

3. The outer life should match the inner work of God in the heart.

The third section is: "Stated Purposes." (vv. 20-24) The memorial set up by Joshua had several purposes:

1. It would be a sign to the generations that were not alive when the miracle happened at the Jordan River.

2. It would stimulate curiosity about what occurred at the place of the memorial. 

3. The memorial would be a sign to the Canaanite people of the miracle the LORD performed when He had the Israelites pass through the Jordan River. 

Memorials are public testimonies. Parents have a duty to acquaint their children with the word and works of God. The memorials would be part of that education process. In the same way today, we need public memorials of God's faithfulness to share with our families and a lost world that needs salvation.

The summary points of this section are:

1. God is the same miracle-working God today as He was in Old Testament times.

2. Memorials bring the truths of the past into the life of the present.

3. Parents have a duty to teach their children the works, ways and Word of God.

The Golden Text is: "He hath made his wonderful works to be remembered." (Psa. 111:4) The best memory is one that remembers the faithfulness of God. Our lives would be more enriched if we spent time remembering God's Word. Truly, His works are wonderful and we should never forget them. 

Next week: "Jericho Destroyed." (Joshua 6: 15-25)

1-23-2022 Devotion: He is with you.

 Genesis 39: 2: “And the LORD was with Joseph….” Really? It didn’t seem like it. Joseph had been cast into a pit and sold into slavery. He was about to be falsely accused of making inappropriate advances to his master’s wife and be thrown into prison. He would interpret accurately the dreams of the butler and the baker. He asked the butler to remember him when he was released that Joseph might get out of prison. However, the butler forgot about Joseph until the timing was perfect. The central idea is that things didn’t seem to go well for Joseph. It didn’t look like the LORD was with him. However, He most assuredly was. No matter what is happening in your life, if you know Him, He is with you. You can face anything now.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

1-22-2022 Devotion: God is at Work

 Genesis 37: 28: “Then there passed by Midianites merchantmen; and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites for twenty pieces of silver: and they brought Joseph into Egypt.” Joseph was sent by his father Jacob to check on his brothers. The brothers are sick of Joseph and his (in their minds) delusions of grandeur. All but one brother wanted to kill him. They decide to throw him in a pit. God had a plan. That plan was to get Joseph to Egypt, have him thrown in prison, for him to be elevated to the second in command of all Egypt, have all of the Israelites move to Egypt so they will be eventually made slaves, so that God would deliver them through Moses out of bondage. So, do you think it was just by chance that some Midianite merchants headed to Egypt just happened to show up? Of course not! God is continually working in your lives to bring about His perfect plan. Never think things happen for no reason at all. They don’t. Live life knowing that God is at work.

Friday, January 21, 2022

1-21-2022 Devotion: Revenge

 Genesis 34: 30: "Then Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, 'You have troubled me by making me obnoxious among the inhabitants of the land, among the Canaanites and the Perizzites; and since I am few in number, they will gather themselves together against me and kill me. I shall be destroyed, my household and I.'" Here is the backstory: Dinah is Jacob's daughter from Leah; a Canaanite prince named Shechem rapes Dinah; her brothers are angry and devise a plot to pay him back; the brothers tell Shechem and his father that if their people will be circumcized like the Israelites then they can live together in peace and intermarry; while they are pain from the surgery, the brothers enter the city and kill all the males. The passage today is Jacob's response. While taking matters into your own hands and executing vengeance may seem like the right thing to do, it isn't. Ezekiel 25:17 says, "Vengeance is mine, says the Lord, I will repay." If everyone turned on Jacob and destroyed his family, God's promise to Abraham would have been placed in jeopardy. The lesson today is never try to get even when you are wronged. I know from personal experience that God will do a far better job exacting revenge than you ever could.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

1-20-2022 Devotion: Forgiveness

 Genesis 33: 4: "But Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they wept." In Genesis 27:41, Esau said he wanted to kill his brother Jacob because of the deception that cost him his blessing from his father Isaac. Twenty years have passed. Jacob wasn't sure of the reception Esau would have for him. Jacob sent gifts before him to test the waters. Esau didn't want any gifts, he just wanted to see his brother. In twenty years he could have allowed the hatred for Jacob to grow. He could have allowed his mind to replay the hurt and pain over and over again until his desire to kill was enlarged. We don't know when, but at some point Esau forgives Jacob. We know this because of the way he acted when he saw Jacob again. The lesson here is that no matter what someone does to you, forgiveness releases you from a prison of hurtful talk and actions. Be quick to forgive today, even if someone tries to steal your blessing.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

1-19-2022 Devotion: Struggling with God

 Genesis 32: 24: "Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day." Jacob is headed back to see his brother Esau. Remember, he had left quickly because he had deceived his father Isaac and stole his brother's blessing. Jacob has gained sustancial wealth and sends gifts ahead of his arrival in an effort to gain his brother's favor. He is left alone. He wrestles with a Man who is actually an Angel of the Lord who is also identified as God. He is a preincarnate appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ. The wrestling goes on until daybreak. Jacob won't turn the Man loose. Jacob refuses to let the Angel go unless he receives a blessing. The angel asks Jacob his name and then changes his name to Israel. Jacob means "deceiver." Israel means "Prince with God." Sometimes in this life, we may feel like we are struggling with God. We may feel like there is something He wants us to do. We resist and fight back. The good news is that struggling with God changes you. Whatever you were, you are no longer. I would rather struggle with God and have Him change me than to continue on as a "deceiver." Walk with a limp (Genesis 32: 25).

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

1-18-2022 Devotion: Sowing and reaping

 Genesis 29: 25: "So it came to pass in the morning, that behold, it was Leah. And he said to Laban, 'What is this you have done to me? Was it not for Rachel that I served you? Why then have you deceived me?''' Jacob had left his father and mother (Isaac and Rebekah) after he stole the blessing from his older brother Esau. He went to find a wife among his mother's people. He fell in love with Rachel and agreed to work for her brother Laban for seven years for the right to marry her. However, Laban has other ideas. Rachel's older sister was Leah. Her eyes were delicate which probably means they were a pale color and not as attractive as Rachel. After the wedding feast, Laban switches Leah for Rachel. In the morning, Jacob learns that he has been deceived and complains. The irony is obvious. Jacob had just deceived his father to steal the blessing from Esau and now complains that he has been deceived. You have heard the phrase, "What goes around, comes around." The Bible speaks of sowing and reaping. What you plant by the seeds of your actions, will produce a harvest. Be careful what you plant.

Monday, January 17, 2022

1-17-2022 Devotion: God is bigger than our responses.

 Genesis 28: 20-21: "Then Jacob made a vow, saying, 'If God will be with me, and keep me in this way that I am going, and give me bread to eat and clothing to put on, so that I come back to my father's house in peace, then the LORD shall be my God.' The point here is that Abraham responded to God's calling him with an unconditional surrender to the will of God. Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his beloved son Issac. God gives Jacob a dream that reaffirms His promises that He had given to Abraham. However, Jacob's response was conditional. His dedication was conditioned on God doing something for him. A much different response from his grandfather Abraham. The point is that God's Sovereign choice in the womb of Jacob over Esau was not based on Jacob's actions or will. God will have His way, even when we respond with a less than favorable response. This comforts me that God is bigger than our responses. His way is perfect, and He will have His way. That comforts me.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Third Lesson of the Quarter: Crossing the Jordan

 Today's lesson comes from Joshua 3: 5-17. The Israelites were camped on the east side of the Jordan. In between the place on the east side and the place on the west side of the Jordan was a river lowing at flood stage, an impossible barrier. However, God bright the Israelites through that barrier. We should think of the times when you faced an impossibility and how God brought you through. 

When the two spies returned to Israel's camp, they informed Joshua that "The inhabitants of the county do faint because of us." As they got ready to cross the Jordan River, the officers instructed the people that there was to be a space between them and the Ark of 3000 feet (think about 10 football fields). There was to be a separation of the people from the Ark which was considered holy. There should always be a sincere regard for the presence of God.

The first section is: "The Lord Will Do Wonders." (vv. 5-8) The LORD told Joshua that the people were to prepare to cross the Jordan by "sanctifying themselves." It was not a military preparation the people needed, it was a heart preparation. They were to separate themselves from anything unholy. The Apostle Paul urged the Romans to present themselves as a "living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God." (Rom. 12:1) 

Next, Joshua gave instructions to the priests. The Ark was the symbol of the presence of God. It contained the Table of the Law. The priests would also carry the Ark, were to "pass over before the people." God would have those that led Israel in spiritual matters, lead the way. 

God assured Joshua that this day the people would be convinced that he was God's appointed leader to take them into the Promised Land. Just as Moses had been used by God to part the Red Sea, Joshua would now be used to part the Jordan River. In both cases, the people would see God's favor and sanction upon their leader. 

The summary points of this section:

1. Before you attempt to do something for God, you should sanctify yourselves from all that is unholy.

2. God's favor upon Godly leadership will be evident.

3. God's work will advance when their is Godly leadership.

The second section is: "Hereby Ye Shall Know." (vv. 9-13) Joshua tells the people, "Hear the words of the LORD your God." Whenever you are facing a challenge or a difficult situation, you should start with the Word of God. By personal observation and experience, the Israelites would know that the "loving God is among you." The living God would "drive out from before you the Canaanites." The Israelites would be able to enter the land with confidence. Joshua wanted the people to know that their God was a "living God," and He would fight for them.

Joshua told the people to select 12 men, one from each tribe, who would have an active part in setting up the stone memorial. He informed the people of the details of the miracle which God was about to perform. Unlike many of the Charismatic charlatons today who prophesy falsely, Joshua knew the voice of the LORD. The people had confidence in what he said. As the priests entered the riverbed, the waters would be cut off. The priests would advance on dry land and the people would follow. 

The summary points of this section are:

1. When facing a problem, start with the Word of God.

2. Be careful who you listen to.

3. Always walk in faith.

The third section is: "The People Passed Over." (vv. 14-17) The time of Israel's crossing was in the Jewish month of Nisan (our late March or early April). The Jordan River was swelled during this time. The river was so impassable that the Canaanites did not bother having an army guard the river to prevent the Israelites from crossing. 

Now was the test of faith. As the feet of the priests touched the waters, the water suddenly began to back up and moved the water backyard toward its source. Two million people would require several miles of dry riverbed to cross over in a short period of time. The crossing of the Red Sea and the Jordan River were irrefutable miracles of God's power and love for the Jewish people. 

"And the people passed over right against Jericho." They had God's promise, "The living God is among you, and He will without fail drive out from before you the Canaanites." While the Israelites had God's promises, until they acted in faith, the promises would not help them. God wants us to step out in faith when He has so directed us. To obey is better than sacrifice. The Israelites had entered the Promised Land. Now, the battle was just beginning. 

The summary points of this section are:

1. God promises and we act in faith, that is the method.

2. Everyone needs to make a stand and commit to faith.

3. Have you entered the Promised Land of holiness?

The Golden Text: "That ye may know the way by which ye must go." (Joshua 3:4) God will show you the way to proceed. I have heard God's will categorized two ways: God's revealed will and God's secret will. God's revealed will is found in His written Word and His secret will found in His Providence. God is actively involved in His world and in our lives. Nothing happens by chance. God will use secondary causes, i.e. you and me, to bring about His will. When He says to move, go and cross your Jordan.

Next week: "Two Memorials of Stone." (Joshua 4: 4-11; 20-24)

1-16-2022 Devotion: Your words.

 Genesis 27: 33: "Then Isaac trembled exceedingly, and said, 'Who? Where is the one who hunted game and brought it to me? I ate all of it before you came, and I have blessed him--and indeed he shall be blessed.'" To set the context, Isaac is old with bad eyesight. He sends Esau, his oldest son, out to hunt for game to make his favorite meal. Rebekah, his wife, hears the plans. She likes the younger son Jacob better. She cooks the meal and sends Jacob to lie about who he is. Isaac, being old and blind, thinks he is talking to Esau and blesses him. When Esau shows up with a second meal, the lie is discovered. Isaac says essentially, "I'm sorry, there is nothing I can do. I have given him the primary blessing." The point is the power of words. Words have power, even when they are spoken in response to a deception. We need to be very mindful of the words we speak. Jesus said we would give an account of every idle word spoken. Be wise in your speech.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

1-15-2022 Today’s Devotion: Don’t look back

 Genesis 19: 26: "But his wife looked back behind him, and she became a pillar of salt." Lot, his wife and two daughters are led by the angels out of the city of Sodom to escape destruction. Verse 16 says, "he lingered." Yesterday, we saw that Lot was living a compromised lifestyle. It caused his sons-in-law to perish. Today, we see the effect of his living on his wife. Why Lot's wife turned to look back we don't know for sure. However, it is easy to surmise that she turned back because part of her heart was still in Sodom. There was something in the city that had her affections. It led to her death. We should desire to live a consistent Christian life, being an ambassador for the LORD Jesus Christ in all we do. When we speak to someone about the things of God, we want them to know we are serious. We want our family to be saved and walk in holiness. Let us be an example for our loved ones to follow.

Friday, January 14, 2022

1-14-2022 Today's Devotion: faithful to your family

 Genesis 19:14: "So Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who had married his daughters, and said, 'Get up, get out of this place; for the LORD will destroy this city!' But to his sons-in-law he seemed to be joking." I have always been so saddened by this Scripture. Here Lot is trying to save his family and the way he must have lived his life up to this point destroyed his testimony. His own family thought he wasn't serious. This is a reminder to make sure our families know our testimony. We don't have to be serious all the time, and humor can be fun, when done in moderation. I believe Lot had lived a very compromising lifestyle. And, when his family needed him the most, he had no credibility with them. As a result, they died. LORD, help us to be faithful to our families.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

1-13-2022 Today’s Devotion: Sovereignty over Culture

 Genesis 25: 23: "And the LORD said to her: 'Two nations are in your womb, Two people shall be separated from your body; One people shall be stronger than the other; And the older shall serve the younger.'" Rebekah and Isaac have children. Rebekah has twins. The older one was a hunter named Esau. The younger brother was named Jacob. The custom of the culture was that the oldest son owned the birthright and the younger would serve the older. In God's Sovereignty, He chose Jacob to be the chosen one to build the nation of Israel. In Malachi 1:2-3, we are told that God loved Jacob and hated Esau (actually it was Esau's idolatrous descendants He hated). The point is that God's Sovereignty controlled the decisions. Culture submitted to Sovereignty, as well as all the parties involved. We can never forget as we read the Bible passages, nothing is happening accidentally. It is according to a master plan. And, the same holds true today. I rest in that.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

1-12-2022 Today’s Devotion: Providence and prayer

 Genesis 24: 14: "Now let it be that the young woman to whom I say, 'Please let down your pitcher that I may drink,' and she says, 'Drink, and I will also give your camels s drink'--let her be the one You have appointed for Your servant Isaac."In this chapter, Abraham was well advanced in years. He wanted to be sure that his son would have a wife and bear children to fulfill God's promise of his being a father of a multitude. He sends his servant to get a wife for Isaac. His servant prays the prayer in verse 14. Rebekah comes to the well and says exactly what the servant had prayed for. Rebekah leaves with the servant and travels to Isaac to become his wife. This passage speaks to the Providence of God and its relationship to prayer. God had a plan. He would cause Rebekah to go to the well and speak the words to let the servant know she was the one. While God's Providence was controlling the action. It was not independent of the servant's prayer. The point is, we pray and God's Providence brings about His perfect result in His timing. Our part is to pray and have faith.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

1-11-2022 A test of faith

 Genesis 22: 2: "Then He (God) said, "Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you." What? Does God want Abraham to perform a human sacrifice? What kind of test is that? Isaac was the child of promise and now his dad is going to kill him? That might be a typical response. However, when we read the text in Hebrew it has a different connotation. It actually reads, "Abraham, would you take." God is not giving a harsh command but rather a request. God never intended for there to be a human sacrifice. Hebrews 11: 19 states that Abraham believed that God would raise Isaac from the dead if He had to. The point is that God was testing Abraham's faith. Sometimes, God will want us to give things back to Him as a sign of our love for Him. He doesn't intend to hurt us, but rather to develop our faith in Him. When God provided the ram for the sacrifice so Isaac could be set free, how strong do you think Abraham's faith was at that point? And, that was God's point.

Monday, January 10, 2022

1-10-2022 Devotion: Don’t settle for smallness

 Genesis 19: 18-20, 22: "Then Lot said to them, 'Please, no my lords! Indeed now, your servant has found favor in your sight, and you have increased your mercy which you have shown me by saving my life; but I cannot escape to the mountains, lest some evil overtake me and I die. See now, this city is near enough to flee to, and it is a little one'..., the city was called Zoar." To set the scene, Lot and his family have been escorted out of Sodom. Fire and brimstone is about to be released to destroy all the inhabitants. The angels want Lot to escape to the mountains, but Lot wants to stop at a small place named Zoar. Zoar means literally :smallness." That's the way we sometimes live. God wants us to go to the top but we may want to settle for something small because it is easier. Today, don't be afraid to allow God to take you to the mountaintop! Don't settle for smallness.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Second Lesson of the Quarter: Rahab Moved by Faith

 Today's lesson comes from Joshua 2: 1-15. Joshua selects two men as spies and sends them to the city of Jericho. This is a very dangerous mission because the inhabitants of Canaan have been warned about the Israelites. If God does not intervene, it is likely the spies will not return from their mission. 

The Canaanite culture was a reflection of the gods they worshipped. The names of their gods included: Baal, Anat, and Asherah. They all typified the worst of human behavior. Their religious festivals were degraded celebrations of the "animal side" of human nature. This was the society of Rahab. Yet, God had touched her heart, and there was born a longing to know Him and a better way of life.

he first section is: "The Spies Sent." (vv. 1,2) Joshua had received God's promise of success, but that did not preclude his human effort. In theology, we study things like the Sovereignty of God and human responsibility. By Sovereignty of God, we mean that God is in control of everything that has happened, is happening and will happen. There is nothing outside the control of the purposes of God. If there was, that person or power would be more powerful than God. By human responsibility we mean that even though God is going to do what He wants to do, He works through secondary causes. Secondary causes can be you and me. Secondary causes are sometimes the means through which God exercises His Sovereignty. In this case, Joshua had the promises, but set in the spies to determine how his army would attack Jericho. 

Some believe that Rahab was a harlot. Others, believe she was a simple innkeeper. Nevertheless, God sovereignly sent the spies to her for protection. God sends the spies to a woman that is hungry to know the true and living God.

The summary points of this section are:

1. Having God's promises does not mean that you have no need to prepare and plan.

2. A wise leader will encourage his people and keep them from becoming disheartened.

3.  God uses all types of people to further His purposes.

The second section is: "The Spies Concealed." (vv. 3-7) The king of Jericho receives word that the two Israelite spies had entered the city. Further, he learned that they had gone to Rahab's house. The king sends soldiers, and they command Rahab to, "bring forth the men that are come to thee." Rahab is now at a crossroads. What does she do? She lies! She hides the spies and sends the soldiers off in another direction. Did God approve of her lying? As Christians we have a tendency to want things black and white.   Jews don't have the same approach. In fact, under Jewish law, the following are times it is actually commanded to lie:

1. To preserve peace and give comfort to another.

2. To avoid hurting another person if the truth was told.

3. To not appear arrogant.

4. For the sake of decency.

5. To protect your property.

Under these guidelines, Rahab did nothing wrong in lying to the soldiers. Sometimes we forget that the Bible is a Jewish book and there is a culture that must be examined and understood to gain a proper knowledge of the Word of God. 

The summary points of this section are:

1. Sometimes it is acceptable to lie.

2. What you believe you will do.

3. We should always seek to preserve life. 

Th third section is: "The Spies Informed." (vv. 8-11) After the soldiers left, Rahab went to the roof and told the Israelite men the following:

1. She knew that the LORD had given them the land.

2. That the Canaanite people were afraid of them.

The Canaanite people had heard the report how God had dried up the Red Sea forty years earlier. Then the news was learned that the Israelites had completely defeated the Amorite kings. The courage of the Canaanite people was gone. Rahab stated the following in verse 11: "The LORD your God, he is God in heaven above, and in the earth beneath." The spies were informed. They had learned all they needed to know.

The summary points of this section are:

1. God in His Sovereignty can direct the hearts of even unbelievers.

2. When we are faithful to God, He can bring fear to our opposition.

3. God is Sovereign over heaven and earth.

The fourth section is: "The Spies Promise." (vv. 12-15) Rahab had shown "kindness" to the spies by saving their lives. She now asked for "kindness" in return. The Hebrew word for "kindness" is "hesed." This word refers to God's unwavering commitment to steadfast love. Even if one party breaks the promise, God will remain faithful. Hesed is not what you might do, it is all about what you are going to do. Hesed is about action. There is covenant language between Rahab and the spies. The men replied, "Our life for yours." They made a promise, "When the LORD hath given us the land, we will deal kindly with thee." In these verses, specific instruction is given to Rahab, i.e. tying a scarlet cord in the window of her house. Some believe that the scarlet cord was symbolic of the blood of Jesus Christ. The point is that those who were destined for destruction found salvation through the faithfulness of the spies motivated by hesed. 

Rahab was a heathen woman who longed to know the God of the Israelites. God, in His Sovereignty, sent two spies to her that ultimately led to her entire family being saved from destruction. Rahab had her name placed in the heroes of faith in the book of Hebrews as well as in the lineage of Christ. Rahab is a marvelous story of God's faithfulness and His Sovereignty.

The summary points of this section are:

1. God is faithful to fulfill all His promises.

2. God can satisfy every hungry heart.

3. God will keep His promises even if men will not.

The Golden Text is: "Truly the Lord hath delivered into our hands all the land." (Joshua 2: 24) The spies returned with an encouraging report. There was no mention of the difficulties they faced. The spies were careful to acknowledge that it was the Lord who had delivered the land into the hands of the Israelites. Victory would be theirs because of the power of God. God's promises to us today are just as sure as His promises to the children of Israel. 

Next week: "Crossing the Jordan." (Joshua 3: 5-17)

1-9-2022 Today’s Devotion: Get it off your chest

 Genesis 18: 32: "Then he (Abram) said, 'Let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak but once more...." In this passage, the LORD (Gen 18:1) visits Abram along with two other "men" and He advises him of His plan to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Abram begins a negotiation with God about what number of righteous people there needs to be found that will stop the LORD from destroying the city. The LORD starts with 50 but Abram negotiates the number down to 10. The passage teaches us the type of prayer relationship we can have with God. God wants us to be honest in our prayers. The Hebrews felt that prayer should be emotional. There can be an open discussion when you pray. Take time today to speak honestly with the LORD. It is okay because He already knows what is in your heart? As the saying goes, "Get it off your chest."

Saturday, January 8, 2022

1-8-2022 Devotion: Taking matters into your own hands

 Genesis 16: 1-2: Now Sari, Abram's wife, had borne him no children....See now, the LORD has restrained me from bearing children. 'Please, go in to my maid, perhaps I shall obtain children by her.'" God has given Abram and Sari a promise of having a child. They didn't see the results fast enough so they took matters into their own hands. The result was Ishmael, the source of the Islamic faith that has created numerous terrorists and caused so much pain and suffering. The point is, when you have a promise from God, wait for Him to bring about what He has promised. Fight the temptation to take matters into your own hands. Nothing good will result from it.

Friday, January 7, 2022

1-7-2022 Devotion: Avoiding sin

 Genesis 13:13: "But the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinful against the LORD." We are most likely familiar with the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. The city is wicked with homosexuality and God destroys it because of their sin. The point today is that Lot first lived in the cities of the plain near Sodom. Later (Genesis 19:2), Lot was living in Sodom. That is how sin is. If you get close to it, eventually you will be living in it. The moral of the story is stay as far away from sin as you can. It's safer.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

1-6-2022 Devotion: Walk in the power of unity

 Genesis 11:6: "And the LORD said, 'Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.'' This verse demonstrates the power of unity. In the text, the people were going to use that power to disrespect God. However, the principle to be learned is powerful. Whether it is the unity of a husband and wife, family members, or any group, when people have one purpose and work together, they will be successful. Walk in unity today.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

1-5-2022 Devotion God’s Covenant

 Genesis 9: 11,12: "I establish My covenant with you; and all flesh shall never again be cut off by water of the flood....This is the sign of the covenant...I set My (rain)bow in the cloud...." When God makes a promise through a covenant, He never breaks it. He is bound throughout all eternity to keep it. Men may break a covenant, but God will not. The rainbow was a special sign from God that reminds both Him and us of His promise. It is a sign of God's faithfulness. The rainbow is not the sign of a sinful lifestyle, but rather a sign of God's promise to never destroy the world by water again. So when you look up and see a rainbow, know that there is a loving God behind it.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

1-4-2022 Devotion: God remembers

 Genesis 8:1: "But God remembered Noah...." Most of us know the story of Noah's Ark. The world has become very wicked and God decides to destroy it and save a few that have faith and that are righteous. Noah and his family board the ark along with the animals and God shuts the door after they enter (Genesis 7: 16).  It rains 40 days and 40 nights. However, Noah and his family are on the ark a lot longer than that. A Biblical year is 360 days. Noah and his family were on the ark a little longer than a year! They may have thought God forgot about them. They had to wonder, when will this end? Have you ever felt like God forgot you? He hasn't. He will remember you, just like He did for Noah. And, that's a promise.

Monday, January 3, 2022

1-3-2022 Devotion

 Genesis 6: 8: "But Noah found favor in the eyes of God." We know the story of Noah's Ark. The world has become very evil and God is determined to destroy it. God sees Noah and puts him to work building the ark. It will take him 100 years. Remember, at this point in civilization, there had never been any rain. Moisture came up from the earth to water the ground (Genesis 2: 5, 6). People must have thought Noah was stupid. He was building a boat on dry land. Was it Noah's righteous acts that saved him? No! Reading Hebrews 11: 7, we learn that it was through faith, being moved with godly fear, that was the reason Noah found favor with God. The same who holds true for us today. Live a life of faith and have godly fear (reverence). 

Sunday, January 2, 2022

1-2-22 Devotion

 Genesis 3: 1: "Indeed, has God said...." It didn't take very long for Adam and Eve to disobey God and follow Satan's suggestion to sin. It all started with questioning God's Words. Today we have His Words in the Bible. The world, your flesh, and Satan still tries to get you to supplant your will for His will. It is a sure fire recipe for disaster. Go back to yesterday. Start with God. Anything or anybody that tries to get you off your "God tract," reject forcefully and immediately. Don't ponder or delay the decision to keep God and His Word first. Has God said? As a matter of fact, He did!

First Lesson of the Quarter: Be Strong in the Lord

 Today we begin a new quarter of study on the book of Joshua. The text is found in Joshua 1: 1-18. Joshua is one of the heroes of the Old Testament. Moses selected Joshua to lead the armies of Israel in a campaign against the Amalekites. It was only Joshua and Caleb that brought back a favorable report when the spies searched out Cannan. Of that generation in the wilderness, only Joshua and Caleb entered into the Promised Land. Upon the death of Moses, Joshua became the leader of the Israelite nation. He led their armies in the conquest of Cannan and oversaw the distribution of the land to the twelve tribes. 

The opening words of the book of Joshua are, "Now after." These words connect with the end of the book of Deuteronomy and the death of Moses. Joshua had been groomed for this position of leadership. He had been with Moses and experienced the divine presence. He had demonstrated faith in the presence of opposition. He had been successful in battle. His experience and instruction had led him to this point of leadership over the people of Israel.

The first section is: "Victory Assured." (vv. 1-5) In verse 1, the LORD speaks to Joshua. There had been a passing of the guard. Moses was dead and the LORD had selected a new leader to bring the Israelites into the Promised Land. In verse 2, the LORD positively affirms that He has given the land to His people. This is not futuristic tense; this is a now tense. In verse 3, God makes a promise that everywhere they go, that land will be theirs. In verse 4, the LORD describes the boundaries of the land. God gave the description of the land when He made the promise to Abraham. It was described to Moses as well. Now, Joshua receives the same description. In verse 5, the LORD promises Joshua that no one will be able to stand against him. As God had been with Moses, He will now be with Joshua. 

This section presents us with the subjects of the Sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man. God had decreed that the land would belong to the Israelites. It was a pronouncement of a final decision. Yet, Joshua and the people were responsible to act in faith. This is how God works even today. He has decreed certain things from eternity past, yet He has chosen to work through secondary causes. Those secondary causes are you and me. We are to be faithful and follow His Word to bring about what God has decreed.  Think of the Sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man as two parallel lines that don't cross. They are not inconsistent; they are God's way of accomplishing His will.

The summary points of this section are:

1. God will determine who He wants to be the leaders in His work.

2. If God has decreed it, it will come about.

3. We are to be faithful to walk out His plan. That is our responsibility. 

4. "So long as we go forward at God's command, He will either remove the difficulties or make a way through them." (H.A. Erdmann)

The second section is: "Conditions Required." (vv. 6-9) Three times in this section Joshua is told to be strong in the Lord. This was the same charge given to Moses (Deut. 31:7). To be successful, Joshua had to "be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might." Our spiritual battles will not be won by our own efforts, but rather through the power of God. Joshua was to be "very courageous." When you have confidence in God and faith in His Word, you are ready for the battles before you. 

Verse 8 is a good Scripture to memorize. We are told:

1. Keep God's law in your mouth.

2. Meditate on it day and night.

3. Do what you read.

4. When you do, you will have good success. 

Joshua was to make God's Word a part of everything he did. He was to speak it, walk it, live it, and observe it. If Joshua would be obedient, success would follow. It is the same for us. God has a Sovereign will that demands our responsibility and obedience. We are to "be strong and of a good courage." God doesn't ask us to do the impossible or what is beyond our abilities. We are to be faithful and responsible to walk our lives for His glory.

The summary points of this section are: 

1. "Disobedience is always the shortcut to failure." (H.A. Erdmann)

2. We are to meditate on God's Word Day and night.

3. Your ability to be successful is found in the study of God 's Word.

The third section is: "People Respond." (vv. 10,11, 16-18) Prior to the military campaign, the people needed to prepare. In this case, they were told to prepare food and get ready to move forward. They would be crossing the Jordan "to go in to possess the land." Joshua, as a leader, expressed confidence in God's promises and directives. The people's response was heartening. They recognized Joshua's leadership and affirmed, "All that thou commandest  us we will do, and whithersoever thou sendest us, we will go." 

The people were willing to obey, and they pledged, "Whosoever he be that doth rebel against thy commandment...he shall be put to death." Joshua was assured of their full cooperation. The people's response was to be fully involved in God's divine plan with Joshua as leader.

The summary points of this section are:

1. It is necessary for people to be committed to God's plan before beginning to act.

2. We are to understand that God requires us to participate with His plan of action.

3. You should be obedient to Godly leadership. 

The Golden Text is: "Be strong and of good courage." (Joshua 1:6) Joshua could trust God because he believed in God's promises. The same promises to Joshua are given to you today. We can have confidence to prepare and move forward. We are to be strong and of good courage. We can be victorious today as we trust in God's Word and His promises.

Next week: "Rahab Moved by Faith." (Joshua 2: 1-15) 

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Your New Year’s Day Devotion

 Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning God...." As you begin a New Year, it all starts with God. Do you want a successful and peaceful year? You begin and end with God. Regardless of the challenges in the upcoming year, if you put God first, you will come through any difficulties with the assurance that He is in charge. I don't want the burden of being in charge. Start the year with a conscious decision to make Him first. What does that look like? Start the day with prayer and Bible reading. As you walk the year out, trust in His Sovereignty. He is in charge!