Sunday, January 16, 2022

Third Lesson of the Quarter: Crossing the Jordan

 Today's lesson comes from Joshua 3: 5-17. The Israelites were camped on the east side of the Jordan. In between the place on the east side and the place on the west side of the Jordan was a river lowing at flood stage, an impossible barrier. However, God bright the Israelites through that barrier. We should think of the times when you faced an impossibility and how God brought you through. 

When the two spies returned to Israel's camp, they informed Joshua that "The inhabitants of the county do faint because of us." As they got ready to cross the Jordan River, the officers instructed the people that there was to be a space between them and the Ark of 3000 feet (think about 10 football fields). There was to be a separation of the people from the Ark which was considered holy. There should always be a sincere regard for the presence of God.

The first section is: "The Lord Will Do Wonders." (vv. 5-8) The LORD told Joshua that the people were to prepare to cross the Jordan by "sanctifying themselves." It was not a military preparation the people needed, it was a heart preparation. They were to separate themselves from anything unholy. The Apostle Paul urged the Romans to present themselves as a "living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God." (Rom. 12:1) 

Next, Joshua gave instructions to the priests. The Ark was the symbol of the presence of God. It contained the Table of the Law. The priests would also carry the Ark, were to "pass over before the people." God would have those that led Israel in spiritual matters, lead the way. 

God assured Joshua that this day the people would be convinced that he was God's appointed leader to take them into the Promised Land. Just as Moses had been used by God to part the Red Sea, Joshua would now be used to part the Jordan River. In both cases, the people would see God's favor and sanction upon their leader. 

The summary points of this section:

1. Before you attempt to do something for God, you should sanctify yourselves from all that is unholy.

2. God's favor upon Godly leadership will be evident.

3. God's work will advance when their is Godly leadership.

The second section is: "Hereby Ye Shall Know." (vv. 9-13) Joshua tells the people, "Hear the words of the LORD your God." Whenever you are facing a challenge or a difficult situation, you should start with the Word of God. By personal observation and experience, the Israelites would know that the "loving God is among you." The living God would "drive out from before you the Canaanites." The Israelites would be able to enter the land with confidence. Joshua wanted the people to know that their God was a "living God," and He would fight for them.

Joshua told the people to select 12 men, one from each tribe, who would have an active part in setting up the stone memorial. He informed the people of the details of the miracle which God was about to perform. Unlike many of the Charismatic charlatons today who prophesy falsely, Joshua knew the voice of the LORD. The people had confidence in what he said. As the priests entered the riverbed, the waters would be cut off. The priests would advance on dry land and the people would follow. 

The summary points of this section are:

1. When facing a problem, start with the Word of God.

2. Be careful who you listen to.

3. Always walk in faith.

The third section is: "The People Passed Over." (vv. 14-17) The time of Israel's crossing was in the Jewish month of Nisan (our late March or early April). The Jordan River was swelled during this time. The river was so impassable that the Canaanites did not bother having an army guard the river to prevent the Israelites from crossing. 

Now was the test of faith. As the feet of the priests touched the waters, the water suddenly began to back up and moved the water backyard toward its source. Two million people would require several miles of dry riverbed to cross over in a short period of time. The crossing of the Red Sea and the Jordan River were irrefutable miracles of God's power and love for the Jewish people. 

"And the people passed over right against Jericho." They had God's promise, "The living God is among you, and He will without fail drive out from before you the Canaanites." While the Israelites had God's promises, until they acted in faith, the promises would not help them. God wants us to step out in faith when He has so directed us. To obey is better than sacrifice. The Israelites had entered the Promised Land. Now, the battle was just beginning. 

The summary points of this section are:

1. God promises and we act in faith, that is the method.

2. Everyone needs to make a stand and commit to faith.

3. Have you entered the Promised Land of holiness?

The Golden Text: "That ye may know the way by which ye must go." (Joshua 3:4) God will show you the way to proceed. I have heard God's will categorized two ways: God's revealed will and God's secret will. God's revealed will is found in His written Word and His secret will found in His Providence. God is actively involved in His world and in our lives. Nothing happens by chance. God will use secondary causes, i.e. you and me, to bring about His will. When He says to move, go and cross your Jordan.

Next week: "Two Memorials of Stone." (Joshua 4: 4-11; 20-24)

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