Monday, January 3, 2022

1-3-2022 Devotion

 Genesis 6: 8: "But Noah found favor in the eyes of God." We know the story of Noah's Ark. The world has become very evil and God is determined to destroy it. God sees Noah and puts him to work building the ark. It will take him 100 years. Remember, at this point in civilization, there had never been any rain. Moisture came up from the earth to water the ground (Genesis 2: 5, 6). People must have thought Noah was stupid. He was building a boat on dry land. Was it Noah's righteous acts that saved him? No! Reading Hebrews 11: 7, we learn that it was through faith, being moved with godly fear, that was the reason Noah found favor with God. The same who holds true for us today. Live a life of faith and have godly fear (reverence). 

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