Wednesday, January 19, 2022

1-19-2022 Devotion: Struggling with God

 Genesis 32: 24: "Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day." Jacob is headed back to see his brother Esau. Remember, he had left quickly because he had deceived his father Isaac and stole his brother's blessing. Jacob has gained sustancial wealth and sends gifts ahead of his arrival in an effort to gain his brother's favor. He is left alone. He wrestles with a Man who is actually an Angel of the Lord who is also identified as God. He is a preincarnate appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ. The wrestling goes on until daybreak. Jacob won't turn the Man loose. Jacob refuses to let the Angel go unless he receives a blessing. The angel asks Jacob his name and then changes his name to Israel. Jacob means "deceiver." Israel means "Prince with God." Sometimes in this life, we may feel like we are struggling with God. We may feel like there is something He wants us to do. We resist and fight back. The good news is that struggling with God changes you. Whatever you were, you are no longer. I would rather struggle with God and have Him change me than to continue on as a "deceiver." Walk with a limp (Genesis 32: 25).

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