Saturday, January 29, 2022

1-29-2022 Devotion: Separation

 Genesis 47: 29: "...bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt." Jacob is speaking to Joseph right before Jacob passes away. It is important to him to not be buried in Egypt. Egypt was a heathen nation. It did not worship the LORD. Even in death, Jacob sought to be separated from the evil around him. The Bible uses the term "sanctification." It means to separate from a profane use to a holy use. It can be applied to people as well as things. We must balance the need to be separate from evil people, yet remain close enough to the evil people to witness to them the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We should be able to be in the presence of sin without taking part in the sin. We don't embrace sin, or tolerate it in our presence. We are to be light in a dark world. Watch where you sleep.

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