Saturday, January 15, 2022

1-15-2022 Today’s Devotion: Don’t look back

 Genesis 19: 26: "But his wife looked back behind him, and she became a pillar of salt." Lot, his wife and two daughters are led by the angels out of the city of Sodom to escape destruction. Verse 16 says, "he lingered." Yesterday, we saw that Lot was living a compromised lifestyle. It caused his sons-in-law to perish. Today, we see the effect of his living on his wife. Why Lot's wife turned to look back we don't know for sure. However, it is easy to surmise that she turned back because part of her heart was still in Sodom. There was something in the city that had her affections. It led to her death. We should desire to live a consistent Christian life, being an ambassador for the LORD Jesus Christ in all we do. When we speak to someone about the things of God, we want them to know we are serious. We want our family to be saved and walk in holiness. Let us be an example for our loved ones to follow.

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