Tuesday, January 4, 2022

1-4-2022 Devotion: God remembers

 Genesis 8:1: "But God remembered Noah...." Most of us know the story of Noah's Ark. The world has become very wicked and God decides to destroy it and save a few that have faith and that are righteous. Noah and his family board the ark along with the animals and God shuts the door after they enter (Genesis 7: 16).  It rains 40 days and 40 nights. However, Noah and his family are on the ark a lot longer than that. A Biblical year is 360 days. Noah and his family were on the ark a little longer than a year! They may have thought God forgot about them. They had to wonder, when will this end? Have you ever felt like God forgot you? He hasn't. He will remember you, just like He did for Noah. And, that's a promise.

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