Wednesday, January 26, 2022

1-26-2022 Devotion: The Dream

 Genesis 42: 6: "Now Joseph was governor over the land; and it was he who sold to all the people of the land. And Joseph's brothers came and bowed down before him with their faces to the earth." Back in Genesis 37: 1-11, Joseph had a dream that his father, mother and brothers would bow down to him. This dream brought him a rebuke from his father and brothers. It made his brothers very jealous of him. In the same chapter just a few verses later, Joseph's brothers would act on that jealousy and sell him to the Midianites who were headed to Egypt. The point to focus on is when God has implanted a truth to you from His Word, you may be confident it will come to pass. The dream led to jealousy, jealousy led to betrayal, and the betrayal got Joseph to Egypt so that God's Word in the dream would come true. Understand God's plan: if Joseph had not gotten to Egypt he would not have been in a position to save Jacob and the other Isarelites. If all the Israelites had died because of the famine, and the Messiah was to come from a Jewish line, then no Messiah would have been able to come (No Christmas) and be born in a manger and die on a cross for your sins. But for the dream... and God's Providence.

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