Sunday, January 9, 2022

1-9-2022 Today’s Devotion: Get it off your chest

 Genesis 18: 32: "Then he (Abram) said, 'Let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak but once more...." In this passage, the LORD (Gen 18:1) visits Abram along with two other "men" and He advises him of His plan to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Abram begins a negotiation with God about what number of righteous people there needs to be found that will stop the LORD from destroying the city. The LORD starts with 50 but Abram negotiates the number down to 10. The passage teaches us the type of prayer relationship we can have with God. God wants us to be honest in our prayers. The Hebrews felt that prayer should be emotional. There can be an open discussion when you pray. Take time today to speak honestly with the LORD. It is okay because He already knows what is in your heart? As the saying goes, "Get it off your chest."

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