Sunday, June 12, 2022

6-12-2022 Devotion: Promises Day 19

 John 14: 16: "And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever...." The priestly and intercessory work of Christ began with the request that the Father send the Holy Spirit to indwell in the people of faith. another. The Greek. word specifically means another of the same kind, i.e., someone like Jesus Himself who will take His place and do His work. The Spirit of Christ is the Third Person of the Trinity, having the same essence of deity as Jesus and as perfectly one with Him as He is with the Father. Helper. The Greek term here literally means “one called alongside to help” and has the idea of someone who encourages and exhorts. “Abiding” has to do with His permanent residence in believers. This is one reason why the Trinity is so important. If you don't believe in the Trinity, I don't know how you could be saved. The Father chose you before the foundation of the world. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son, paid for your redemption by the shedding of His blood. The Holy Spirit comes to you to regenerate, think "make alive" so you can believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation. When you are saved, you are baptized with the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ. Don't be misled. The Scriptures are clear. Thank the Lord Jesus Christ that He sent His Spirit to you so you would not be alone.

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