Monday, June 20, 2022

6-20-2022 Devotion: Promises Day 27

 John 15: 18: "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you." The opposition between the world and God’s elect is stated in the strongest terms. The world’s hatred is not due to what the disciples do wrong, but to what they do right. Since Satan is the one who dominates the evil world system in rebellion against God, the result is that the world hates not only Jesus, but those who follow Him. Hatred toward Jesus means also hatred toward the Father who sent Him. The modern day church has tried to win the world by acting like the world, e.g. light shows for worship, no discussion of sin and conviction, etc. Today's church wants the world to approve of its message. There is no way this can be done without compromising. Know that the Gospel is offensive. It is supposed to be. If you tell someone they are a hell bound sinner headed for an eternity in flames, that is offensive. Only those elect will respond positively to that call of salvation. We don't know who the elect are. They don't have a big "E" embroidered on them. Our job is to preach the truth without compromise. The elect will respond through the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit. The church should not try to make friends, instead, they should preach the truth and leave the results to our Lord Jesus Christ. He knows His sheep.

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