Sunday, June 5, 2022

6-5-2022 Devotion: Promises Day 12

 John 14: 2: "In My Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."  The word "mansions" is literally.dwelling places, rooms, or even apartments (in modern terms). All are in the large “Father’s house.” We often hear this verse at funerals in an effort to comfort us about the loss of a loved one. However, the Lord Jesus Christ is speaking this to comfort us who are alive about our future abode. Stop and think that our Lord has gone and He has a place specifically for you. While I don't know what the accommodations will be like, the Scriptures tell us the streets are paved with gold. My thought is that the "mansion" will make the best five star hotels in the world pale in comparison. Remember,that while Christ is preparing the place in heaven for His own, and the Holy Spirit is actively preparing the redeemed on earth for their place in heaven. Let us be sensitive to the working of the Holy Spirit as He prepares us for heaven. Always be listening to the Word of God as the Holy Spirit applies it to your heart. 

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