Wednesday, June 29, 2022

6-29-2022 Devotion: Consent Not

 Proverbs 1: 10: "My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not." The term "sinner" is reserved in Scripture to describe unbelievers for whom sin is continual and who endeavor to persuade even believers to sin with them. The sins of murder and robbery are used as illustrations of such folly. This verse reveals to us that Wisdom has competition. Satan will be quick to send you someone who is really nice, friendly, generous and nurturing. Yet, the one thing they won't be, is a Christian. Throughout my life I can look back and see many times the enemy sent someone to me to distract and pull me away from what I was here to accomplish. Obedience says, "Consent not." When the temptation comes, resist it. Turn away from those things you know are extra appealing to you. You don't fight Satan. He is already defeated. He has lost. You don't give him an opportunity to fight you, you just resist him. Resisting means to proactively take action to avoid the temptation. The Lord Jesus Christ will provide a way of escape.

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