Monday, June 13, 2022

6-13-2022 Devotion: Promises Day 20

 John 14: 18: "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." Jesus refers primarily to the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, since the mutual indwelling, “you in me, and I in you", will not await the Second Coming of Christ. But these words are also appropriate for the hope of the body of Christ today. Jesus will return to take the redeemed with Him at the Rapture. Initially, He was referring to His resurrection, after which they would see Him. There is no record that any unbelievers saw Him after He rose. In another sense, this has reference to the mystery of the Trinity. Through the coming and indwelling of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, Jesus would be back with His children. The Lord knew that in a few hours the disciples would be scattered. They would be afraid and unable to see Him. This promise from our Lord was designed to provide some comfort when He said it, and much more later when the Holy Spirit would come to abide with all believers. Today, there are many groups that try to create a lesser type of Christian. They divide the believers as followers: those with the Holy Spirit and those without. All believers have the Spirit of Christ. There are no lesser Christians. If you think about it, you will now know why Satan wanted to cause this confusion. It minimizes the Gospel: Christ crucified, Christ buried, Christ resurrected, Christ ascended and Christ coming again. Ther bad theology that says you can have Christ and not the Holy Spirit seeks to undermine the true gospel. Think about it.

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