Sunday, June 26, 2022

6-26-2022 Devotion: Prayer Help

 Romans 8: 26: "Likewise the Spirit helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." Have you gone to God sometimes in prayer when you actually did not know what to pray for? All you could do was just go to Him and say, “Father.” You could not ask anything because you didn’t know what to ask for. At times like this the Spirit “helpeth our infirmities.” How wonderful that is! This is not, as some groups would contend, to speak with an unknown language which is actually just gibberish. This can be the deepest type of prayer. One that is so emotional that you can only utter a few words. This type of prayer is available when the reason for the prayer is very important to the prayer. Consider the parent that has been told that her child will not survive the night. He or she will be so broken that they might utter but a few words. The Spirit of God will groan with you. This is prayer at its most fundamental level. The will of the one praying is broken and totally depends on the will and purposes of God. A thought to ponder: why wait for a tragedy to engage in this type of prayer. We should be in a continual place of brokenness before our Lord Jesus Christ and bring our broken hearts to Him in prayer. Sometimes the best prayer is simply, "Oh, God help."

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