Tuesday, June 28, 2022

6-28-2022 Devotion: Wisdom and Knowledge

 Proverbs 1: 7: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction." This idea is the controlling principle of Proverbs, and is ancient Israel’s important contribution to the human desire for knowledge and understanding. The fear of the Lord is the only basis of true knowledge. This “fear” is not distrustful terror of God, but rather the reverent awe and worshipful response of faith to the God who reveals Himself as Creator, Savior, and Judge. Too often in some churches "Jesus" becomes humanized and His position as the Son of God is relegated to a, "Hey buddy, how are you doing?" When we possess that reverential fear of God, knowledge will begin. While the unbeliever may make statements about life and truth, he does not have true or ultimate knowledge until he is in a redemptive relationship of reverential awe with God. Only a true believer can have real knowledge. Think about that.

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