Saturday, June 25, 2022

6-25-2022 Devotion: He Died for the Sheep

 John 10:11: "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep." Jesus as Shepherd does more than risk His life, He gives His life, enduring death on behalf of sinners. This is intimated in the name “Lamb of God” declared by John the Baptist and in other statements by Jesus Himself. for the sheep. This sacrifice is for “the sheep.” It is for those whom the Father has given Him, the elect. It is they who through the death of Jesus Christ on their behalf will be justified and enjoy fellowship with God. There is some bad theology that says that the Lord Jesus Christ died for everyone, even the lost. If taken to the logical extreme, this view advocates universalism (everyone is saved), which most would agree is not true. While Christ's sacrifice is sufficient for the entire world, it is only practically effective for His sheep. Those that reject Christ receive no eternal benefits. However, Christ died for only the sheep, not the goats (describes those that reject Christ). Thank Him today if you know He died for you.

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