Thursday, June 2, 2022

6-2-2022 Devotion: Promises Day 9

 Matthew 16:25: "Whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." This verse lays out a general principle. Save his life implies someone seeking ways to make his own life comfortable, good, and pleasant. Everyone wants a pleasant and happy life, one that is fulfilling. Unfortunately, most people seek it directly by trying to make themselves happy. The principle here is that such an effort will fail. The proof is seen by looking around at most Americans today. America has been defined as 330 million people desperately trying to make themselves happy. A better route is for one to lose his life for the sake of the Lord; then he shall find it. That is, if someone sacrifices their own goals, dreams, and happiness for the sake of following Christ, the end result will be a happier, more fulfilling life. In general, a life lived unselfishly will be happier than a life lived for oneself. Specifically, in this context, Jesus was pointing out that someone who dies for Christ and the gospel has lost nothing. He or she will find blessing in eternity. The central thought is that a selfish life is an unfulfilled life. Live for Christ and you shall find true happiness.

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