Sunday, August 4, 2019

5th Bible Study: The King in the Midst of Thee

The 3rd chapter of Zephaniah is about the coming of “pure language.” This is the calm after the storm. Three times the prophet speaks of a remnant being saved (2:3, 7; 3:12-13). Two times, he speaks of their return from captivity (2:7; 3:20). The “pure language” is a correct system of thought about God. “Language is the vehicle and expression of Truth. It is the prediction of a complete and perfect revelation of God to man (obviously meaning the Gospel of Christ), as a result of which converts from among all nations would be brought to God, joyful with glad songs of redemption, all the earth resounding with the praise of God’s people.”

The first part of the lesson speaks of a People Restored. God had a plan to save a remnant that would be a people who did not live a life of sin. The “pure language” was the gospel message that He came to save us from our sins, not in our sins. 1 John 3:9: “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin.” There is a good chance you won’t hear that message from most pulpits today, and certainly not from television preachers. We have been reading the last few lessons of God’s judgment because of the sins of the people of Israel and Judah. God’s plan was to remove iniquity from His people. It is very significant that once the Israelites returned from captivity, they never had a problem with idolatry again! They were restored. As the lesson reminds us, “God keeps His promises. God’s people must keep their faith on Him, and know that He will do justly.”

The second part of the lesson is “A People Adored.”verse 17 is a familiar verse: “The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.” That is shouting ground, friend! If you have worries or fear this morning, read verse 17 a few times and believe what it says. As the people of God, He rejoices over you! Regardless of what you may be experiencing today, God is with you and He will deliver you from your circumstances. This is the promise of God; when you apply your faith to the promises of God, you have a recipe for joy! God promises to be with you.

My final thoughts on the lesson:
1. God has a plan to deliver you from sin, and that plan is found in the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed for you at Calvary on the cross. That plan includes full deliverance for you, both salvation and entire sanctification.
2. God always keeps His promises, but you need to add your faith to those promises to see joy manifested in your life.
3. You are never alone. God is always with you, no matter the circumstances.
4. If you are walking with God, you have been restored! And, that is great news today!

Don’t forget to read your Sunday School Beacon because there are very inspirational stories that will bless you. Next week: “As Thou Hast Done” from the book of Obadiah.

Remember, if you don’t have the study book or Beacon, they are free and postpaid, just contact me at

1 comment:

  1. You are never alone. God is always with you, no matter the circumstances. What a blessing indeed!!!
