Friday, August 30, 2019

Reasons Why Every Christian Should Be Entirely Sanctified Part 2

Today, we continue examining reasons every Christian should seek to be entirely sanctified. The first three reasons were listed yesterday.

Fourth, because if our hearts are not cleansed from inbred sin, the work of grace will be so interrupted and obstructed by it, that we cannot become “rooted and grounded in love.” No man can become throughly settled and established, like a tree whose roots strike deep and extend without obstruction in every direction, while sin remains in the heart.

Fifth, because without Christian purity our growth in grace will be obstructed and unsteady. Christian purity secures the best possible ground for rapid growth in love, knowledge, power and grace. While sin remains in the heart, like ancient Israel, our Christian life will be unsteady, and we will be prone to wander in the wilderness, subject to all the workings and dangers of “indwelling sin.”

Sixth, because without entire consecration our knowledge of personal salvation is necessarily superficial, as we know only in part. Without an experimental knowledge, we cannot know personally that “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” Some things can be known only by experience. The pure in heart have the “witness of the Spirit,” and a consciousness of full salvation. “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine.”

The final point is a good one to end on. I know of many people that while professing faith in Jesus Christ still try to earn salvation by works. Salvation is by faith paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ. Entire sanctification is also by faith paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ. Entire sanctification has the human element of entire consecration, but when one is entirely sanctified, it is by a Divine act. Read Acts 2 and you will see the Divine act of God when He filled the believers with the Holy Spirit. Sanctification is not by works as some believe. It is not “trying harder.” It is a way of holiness. It is the best way. Are you on the highway or simply pretending?

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