Friday, August 9, 2019

What is the Proximate Condition of Sanctification?

Faith! “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.”

“Faith is the immediate condition of sanctification, and God always saves the moment true faith is exercised. You ask, ‘Believe what?’
1. Believe that God has promised it (entire sanctification) in the Holy Scriptures.
2. Believe what God has promised he is able to perform.
3. Believe that he is able and willing to do it now.
4. Believe that he doth it.

If you are earnestly seeking holiness, will you examine yourself thoroughly by the following interrogations?
1. Do I clearly see my inbred sin, and consequent need of holiness?
2. Am I willing, anxious, and resolved to obtain it?
3. Am I willing to give up all to God—self, family, property, reputation, time, talents, every thing—to be his, used for him, trusted with him, and never withheld or taken from him?
4. Do I believe he is able to sanctify me?
5. Do I believe he is willing to sanctify me?
6. Do I believe he has promised to sanctify me?
7. Do I believe that having promised, he is able and willing to do it now, on condition of my faith?
8. Do I then, seeing all this, believe that he now will do it—now, this moment?
9. Am I committing all and trusting in Christ?”

If one has been following this week, you have seen there are steps that must be taken before you reach the point of exercising faith for holiness. There must have been a “death route deliverance.” By “death route,” I refer to taking a stand against carnality and turning over every revealed carnal trait to the Holy Ghost, for its slaying. Carnal traits, however are not crucified one at a time, but you surrender them one at a time.

After reading the blog this week, what have you done to seek holiness? Are you on believing ground and ready to move forward? Take some time and be honest before the Lord. When you have settled the issue, swing out on faith and take the blessing that has been provided for you.

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