Saturday, August 31, 2019

Facing Adversity

Today’s post is personal. I think it’s helpful for those that preach and teach be transparent when they face trials and struggles. As some of you know, my wife and I own a real estate brokerage. It started on half of a kitchen table in 2007. We dedicated the business to God and operate it on Biblical principles. The Lord has blessed the business. It is now a multi million dollar company. This week, through no fault of our own, an important revenue source for us ceased. Potentially, almost a million dollars annually was removed. So, how did we respond? What did we do to face this adversity?

Revelation 12:11 reads: “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.” Now I know this verse is dealing with overcoming the enemy of our souls, but if I may, I want to show you how I spiritualized the verse to help us in our time of need.

First, recognize that you can be an overcomer. You don’t have to be defeated. You don’t have “to just take it.” Second, we have the blood of the Lamb! There is power in the blood! This is not just for salvation and sanctification. It is for daily living. You can plead the blood of Jesus for protection over your life, your family, your employment, your business, etc. I began to plead the blood of Jesus over our business. Third, we have our testimony. My reality is the Word of God not our circumstances. You can be ruled by sensory knowledge or revealed knowledge found in the Word of God. I read the Word; I believe the Word; I speak the Word; and I act on the Word.

Here’s what we did after we received the difficult news on Wednesday at 5pm:
1. Informed our agents and employees that everyone’s job was safe. There will be no layoffs.
2. Began to develop other business opportunities that we had wanted to do for some time, but we just had not done so. Based on my belief and understanding, what we lost will be made back plus three times. It was as if we were pushed from the nest and forced to fly.
3. I had determined in my heart to make a donation to a Christian organization of several thousand dollars. After the news on Wednesday, I decided to increase our gift by an additional 50%.

We have no fear. Fear and faith cannot co-exist. You get to choose how to live and what to believe. For me and my house, we choose faith. So my advice on facing adversity, run right at it like David and 5 stones! Hit your adversity between the eyes with stones of faith, the blood, confession, and testimony. The giant will fall.

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