Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Witness of Entire Sanctification Part 2

Yesterday, we studied the witness of the Holy Spirit. When you are entirely sanctified, you will have the witness of the Spirit that the work has been completed. There is a sweet knowing that God has purified your heart from its inner corruption that we call inbred sin. We spoke of the importance of building a memorial to remind you of the work being done in you. Today, we further consider the witness of the Spirit. Can you know for sure you have been sanctified?

Notice that the memorial was large and too big to carry around all the time. The memorial was twelve large stones. When you are entirely sanctified, it is an event that will forever stand out as a time when you knew God had done something special in you. You will carry the experience around in your heart and mind. There will be spiritual realizations that are different from all your other spiritual experiences of simply being blessed. What are these spiritual realizations?

First, there is the realization that you have been brought to a knowledge of God’s Will to sanctify you. Second, that you have definitely and solemnly dedicated yourself to God to be His and His alone forever. Third, that you have asked God to sanctify you according to His Word. Fourth, that you believed that the work was done. All of these steps are in direct harmony with what God said for you to do, and they, being carried out with the help of the Spirit, constitute the charter or receipt or evidence of your entire sanctification. You have met all the conditions, and the grace is yours. You are sanctified wholly, filled with the Spirit, and you drop your memorial stone on the Canaan side of the Jordan. That is shouting ground! You have the Word of God to carry around with you and the promises of God, the faithfulness of God, and your testimony will be your witness.

As long as you remain true to your vows, your promise and consecration, you will continue in possession of your experience. You have no need of ever going back into the wilderness, much less to Egypt of sin, but the fair land is before you. Go forth and explore the land of Canaan which represents the experience of entire sanctification. Enjoy for yourself the boundless riches of God’s grace and eat honey from the rock.

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