Thursday, August 15, 2019

Objections to a Sinning Religion Part 2

Today, we continue to look at “Uncle Bud” Robinson’s sermon “My Objections to a Sinning Religion.”

My next objection to a sinning religion is found in the fact that the least religion a man can have to have any at all must settle the Sinning question. We read in 1 John 3:9, “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.” The new birth is a tremendous experience, and sorry to say, so much bigger than the average man has nowadays in the church. We need to teach that the new birth, being born again, creates a radical change in a person’s life, so much so, that they quit the sin business.

My next objection to a sinning religion is found in the fact that a sinning religion would make no distinction at all between a sinner and a Christian. There should be a distinction between them, and the lines of separation between the two should be clearly marked that anyone could detect it. We read in 1 John 3:8, “He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning.” The we read the ninth verse, “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin”; and then in the tenth verse, “In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil.” Sin is the dividing line between God’s children and those that belong to Satan.

If this means anything in the world, it means God’s children don’t commit sin and the devil’s children do. We have just read in the preceding verse that if a man is born again he cannot commit sin, and that doesn’t mean if a man professes holiness that he can’t commit it. It simply means that any man that is born of the Spirit of God has been brought into such a relationship with God that he has gone completely out of the sin business.

So there you have the case. Like a jury in a trial, you have to make a decision. Based upon the Scriptures, a sinning religion is no religion. When God saves a man, He saves him from his sins, not in his sins. It is time for preachers and laymen alike to proclaim this glorious truth. Today, too often, there is a tendency to preach a salvation without repentance. We are told to just believe. While faith and believing are essential to salvation, it will do you no good unless you have repented from your sins, that is turned away from them and left them. The term “easy grace” is often used to describe those that believe they have been born again, yet remain in their sins.

I agree with “Uncle Bud” that God’s true religion is a religion that the follower of Jesus Christ has quit the sin business. What is your verdict?

1 comment:

  1. I can certainly follow the argument; and steadfastly agree, that a Christian should not deliberately commit any act they believe is displeasing to God. It has however, been my sad experience that from time to time it is possible to sin on impulse “cussing” in spite of a sincere desire to avoid doing so. While I am not a catholic I am aware of their concept of mortal and veinal sins. I must confess that I like this concept but cannot reconcile it with James 2:10. I know that this is something we joke about from time to time but please understand I am not making light of it in this case. Respectfully Ralph S.
