Thursday, August 22, 2019

Helps To Understanding Consecration Part 5

Today, we conclude the examination of understanding consecration. We have looked at different words to help us understand what consecration is. However, the question is, how shall you know when all is given up and the living sacrifice of yourself is acceptable to God?

First of all, remember that your will is your own, and that you yourself know what your intentions are. When you decide to buy a coat, you have no trouble knowing your mind, do you? Of course not! And you can be just as sure of your mind or will in the matter of consecration to God. Is it your intent to surrender, abandon, die to self, and give all to God?

You might begin this way: I desire to be wholly the Lord’s: my will I desire to surrender; and my life I wish to be lived for God. Since the Lord in His Word has said, “By the mercies of God...present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service (Romans 12:1), you may rest assured that God only awaits this surrender, and will be glad to accept it.

Now, do not only desire to be consecrated, but at once begin to count yourself the Lord’s permanently irrevocably, for time and for eternity. Some people in the solemn hour of their complete and definite hour of their consecration write it out on a piece of paper, making a memorial of the promise of surrender. You don’t have to make a writing because whether it is written on paper or be simply the unchangeable determination within your heart, the point must be to come to the place where all is yielded. There must be a final “yes” to God.

Do not ask yourself do you feel consecrated. Feelings can be deceiving. Your personal will is the issue not your feelings. What’s next? Ask God to purge your soul until He is satisfied concerning its purity. Ask Him to kill all the things which displease Him, and destroy the last remains of inbred sin. Ask Him to restore the image of God in your soul, to come and fill you up with Holy Spirit. Swing wide open your heart’s door to the Spirit. Believe that God does what He promised to do; believe He sanctifies you wholly. Let your faith wrap its arms around God’s promise, and the work is done!

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