Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Procrastination’s Payday

“The Old-time holiness people used to urge their new converts to seek holiness without delay. True conversion should cause people to desire to press on into the sanctified experience until they know beyond a shadow of doubt that the work is done. It was unbelief that kept the carnally-rebellious Children of Israel from entering Canaan Land (Heb. 3:19). Unbelief will cause people of our day to feel that their need is not as great as God describes it, and that holiness is not entirely necessary, and that God’s command: “Be ye holy” (1 Peter 1:15-16), is not imperative. Such people will disregard the warnings of Hebrews 3 and 4 and will die in the spiritual wilderness.”

“Any unnecessary delay in getting sanctified is always a bad risk.”

“The old-time holiness people used to talk about dying like a yellow dog under a back porch. By that expression they meant for the “dying to self” to be without delay, quickly accomplished, and with a finality akin to the death of a dog. The true holiness people have always believed in the crucifixion of self, and anyone who did not believe it was considered a heretic.”

God will not force you to seek holiness. He will not assume the controls of your life until you voluntarily give them unconditionally to Jesus Christ. Carnal self hates to do that and will do everything it can to stop it. Sometimes carnality lays low and is quiet. The believer may assume he is sanctified without dying out. I have seen this too many times. Then, under times of stress or when things don’t go the way the person wants, the carnal self awakes and demonstrates that the believer never paid the price to die out all the way. The only safe course is to die out in full surrender, and do it without delay.

So what are you waiting for?

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