Sunday, August 11, 2019

6th Bible Study: As Thou Hast Done

Today's lesson comes from the book of Obadiah. He was a prophet to Judah during Babylon’s reign from 612-539B.C. The book is about the doom of Edom. The nation of Edom were descendants of Esau who was Jacob’s brother. The nation of Edom consistently demonstrated enmity toward God’s people the Jews. They were bitter enemies of the Jews, perpetuating the conflict between Esau and Jacob while they lived. You can read more about that conflict in Genesis 25:23; 27:41. Also, they refused passage to Moses (Numbers 20:14-21) and were always ready to aid an attacking army coming against God’s people. Obadiah predicted that the Edomites would be “cut off forever,” and “be as though they had not been” (10,16,18); and that a remnant of Judah would be saved, and that the kingdom of Judah’s God would yer prevail (17,19,21).

The first part of today’s lesson is entitled “Judgment on Edom.” As the lesson states, while Edom was small in geographic size, they were large in pride. Edom’s fell because of its pride. Pride is the source of so many lives. Pride can keep a person from becoming saved or entirely sanctified. The fear of what others will say about us if we give one hundred percent of ourselves to God. The commentator Matthew Henry stated: “Carnal security is a sin that most easily besets men in the day of their pomp, power and prosperity.” Edom thought its natural strong fortifications would protect them from invasion. They were wrong. Within four years after Jerusalem was burned, Edom was raided and desolated (582B.C.), by the same Babylonian army whom they had aided against the Jews at Jerusalem. Pride is always the gateway to destruction with God.

The second part of the lesson is “Reasons for Judgment.” The carnal pride of Edom engendered hatred for others, even for those who are relatives. God would not overlook the fact that Edom helped the enemies of His people. Verse 10 references, “For thy violence against thy brother Jacob....” Verse 12 states that the Edomites “spoke proudly in the day of distress” regarding the problems experienced  by the Jews. Edom demonstrated carnal pride in their insensitivity, gloating, malice, presumption, greed and persecution. The carnal pride was the reasons God brought judgment.

The third section of the lesson is “Judgment Certain.” I’m reminded of the verse, “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Our God is faithful to protect us, although it may take a while. Not only did God bring certain judgment on Edom, verses 17-21 foretell of the day of “deliverance...holiness; and...possessions.” Edom would be destroyed and God’s people will ultimately triumph. What will be the essential element of that reign? “There shall be holiness.” (Verse 17) we have God’s promise that we will ultimately prevail and that is shouting ground!

My summary points of the lesson:
1. God sees when others try to harm you and He keeps a record.
2. Since we all have free will, God will allow others to treat us unkindly, but He also will give them a harvest of what seeds of they have sown.
3. Carnal pride leads to destruction.
4. There is deliverance from carnal pride through the blood of Jesus Christ when we are entirely sanctified.
5. We will ultimately triumph.

Next week: “Consider Your Ways.”
Don’t forget to read the Sunday School Beacon for your edification.
If you know someone who would like the study materials, please contact me at

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