Wednesday, August 28, 2019

When Courage Is Needed

”He took courage, and put away the abominable idols out of all the land of Judah.” II Chronicles 15:8

This passage is in reference to Asa who reigned in Judah. There had been a time, “a long season” verse 3), that “Israel hath been without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law.” “God did vex them with all adversity.” Verse 6 However, when Asa heard the word of the Lord, he took courage and removed the idols. It takes courage to stand against sin, but the believer must do so.

Cowardice asks, Is it safe? Expediency asks, Is it polite? Vanity asks, Is it popular? But Conscience asks, Is it right? Francis Asbury said: “Whosoever I please or displease, I will be faithful to God, to the people and to my own soul.”

    Who walks with God must take His way
    Across far distances and gray
       To goals that others do not see,
       Where others do not care to be.
    Who walks with God Must have no fear
    When danger and defeat appear,
       Nor stop when every hope seems gone,
       For God, our God, moves ever on.

    Who walks with God Must press ahead
    When sun or cloud is overhead,
       When all the waiting thousands cheer,
       Or when they only stop to sneer;
    When all the challenge leaves the hours
    And naught is left but jaded powers.
       But he will some day reach the dawn,
       For God, our God, moves ever on.

The world is in desperate need for men, women, and children to have the courage to stand for truth. God is moving on and He has an army of believers. Will that army be strong and courageous, or will it compromise with the world by watering down the gospel message. The best soldiers are dead; dead to the world, dead to sin and dead to self. That is the sanctified life. A life sold out for God and not afraid to call sin, sin.

So, whose army are you in? What type of soldier are you?

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