Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Second Direction for Obtaining Holiness

The second directive for Obtaining Holiness is:
“Come to a firm and decided resolution to seek until you obtain a pure heart. It will require a resolution which will not cower when the knife is put to the heart to amputate its idols. Your purpose must be settled, decided, uncompromising, unconquerable. None but an invincible resolution will answer. ‘The day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.’”

This is part of what I and many others before me refer to as the “death route.” Be aware that many so called “Christians” will try to deter you at this point. They are “death route dodgers.” Any believer on earth who preaches a false holiness, a sinning religion, or that you must keep your inbred sin in your heart until death, is an enemy of true Scriptural Holiness. Ministers and lay leaders who have not paid the price and crucified self will try to stop you. However, if you have followed the second directive and made a firm resolution to to seek until you obtain a pure heart, you will not be deterred.

Ponder this thought, why wouldn’t God want to give His people pure hearts? Why wouldn’t  He want them to be set free from anger, lust, envy, jealousy, greed, etc.? Think about how powerful the church would be if it’s people were sanctified wholly. The world would see something that many would want. Evangelism is best done by those who are fully committed to Jesus Christ and are dead to self, that is they have crucified self.

Consider that sanctification is the will of God for you. 1 Thessalonians 4:3 states: “This is the will of God for you, even your sanctification.” When the Word of God clearly states His will, we need to stop and take notice. Some people argue over how believers should be baptized, whether immersion, sprinkling or pouring. Can you imagine if there was a Scripture that said, this is God’s will for you baptism shall be by ——. It would settle the issue. In the same way, sanctification is a settled issue. It is God’s will for you! So, have you made the decision to seek holiness until you are entirely sanctified? It is God’s will for you. Think about it.

1 comment:

  1. When the Word of God clearly states His will, we need to stop and take notice. "THINK ABOUT IT"
