Monday, August 26, 2019

Dealing With Giant Doubt

Sometimes people begin to question their consecration. They have made a complete surrender, died to self, exercised faith, believed they were sanctified wholly, but doubt begins to whisper its purpose into your mind. Then, you decide to start the entire process over again. You consecrate, die to self, believe and claim the blessing, and doubt arises again. If the enemy can keep you crossing and recrossing the Jordan, he can effectively eliminate you from the blessing of living in the Canaan land of entire sanctification. Your faith will grow weaker each time you cross and recross. Is there help for you? The answer is a resounding, “Yes!”

The conversation between a person we shall call, Pilgrim and Giant Doubtful might sound like this:
Pilgrim: “By the grace of God, I solemnly promise never to doubt my experience of entire sanctification again, no never. Lord, Hear my vow, never, never to doubt again!
Giant Doubtful: “Good morning Pilgrim. Are you sure you got your memorial stone right this time? Isn’t it doubtful you really crossed the Jordan? Should not you have had a more definite experience? Your consecration is likely incomplete. You know your faith is weak. Better be careful. You don’t want to be deceived.”
Pilgrim: “That is true, I should be able to get a more definite experience than what I had. To be safe, I should go back and recross the Jordan.”
Giant Doubtful: “There certainly can be no harm in being sure.”
So off Pilgrim goes to retrace his steps, never exploring the Canaan land of holiness.

Pilgrim’s answer is found in God’s Word. It is God’s will that you be sanctified (1 Thessalonians . 4:3); Jesus prayed for you to be sanctified (John 17:17); Paul prayed for you to be sanctified (1 Thessalonians 5:23); Peter commanded you to be holy (1 Peter 1:15-16); and Jesus paid the price for you to be sanctified (Hebrews 13:12-13). When doubt raises questions, you quote the Word of God right back at him. Do you think Jesus’ prayers will be answered? Of course! What Paul’s or Peter’s? Yes, indeed. When facing doubt, you look to the Word of God.

This is the answer for doubt of all types. When you are feeling down and depressed, quote the Word of God. What is reality? What your senses inform you, or what God’s eternal Word says about the situation! You can face doubt, depression, fear, and uncertainty with a knowledge of what God says about the situation. And, that will silence Giant Doubtful every time.

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