Monday, August 5, 2019

First Direction for Obtaining Holiness

This week we will look at specific directions for those seeking to be entirely sanctified. The following is the first direction:
“Endeavor to obtain a correct and distinct view of the blessing promised and needed. What is it? The extermination of indwelling sin—carnal nature from the soul. It is such a destruction or removal of inbred sin, as to make the heart—the fountain of thought, affection, desire, and impulse—pure.”

I had come from a theological viewpoint that taught that the manifestation of a spiritual gift, that is speaking in tongues, was the evidence that one was filled with the Holy Spirit. So when I encountered. Rev. Norton in 1976, I was confused because he was talking about something much different. I knew people that spoke in tongues, yet they cussed, got angry with each other, and generally speaking acted just like the world when things didn’t go right. Yes, when there was no problem to be dealt with, they acted holy and righteous. It was when the trials of life became difficult, what was in their heart spewed out and it was generally ugly.

I learned from Rev. Norton, that the filling with the Holy Spirit, or entire sanctification, did a work in the heart. Acts 15:8-9 states: “And God, which knowest the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.” The Apostle Peter was discussing what took place on the Day of Pentecost more than a decade earlier. He could have said, God put no difference between us (he is referring to Jewish and Gentile believers) and them because we both spoke in tongues. No, Peter didn’t see that gift as the conclusive evidence. It was the pure heart that was the evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit.

On this first day of the work week, examine what is in your heart. Do you find carnal traits, e.g. anger, jealousy, hatred, envy, lust, greed, and others that manifest an attitude unbecoming Jesus Christ? If so, know there is a deliverance from carnality. You can have a pure heart that manifests love for everyone. That is the essence of entire sanctification, pure love from a pure heart. Don’t despair, don’t condemn yourself, but be honest about what you see. Know that there is an answer. That is the first directive.

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