Sunday, September 1, 2019

9th Bible Study: Joshua Cleansed and Clothed

Today’s lesson is from the prophet Zechariah. Zechariah was a contemporary with Haggai (lessons 7 and 8). While Haggai was an old man, Zechariah was a young man. Haggai had been preaching two months, and the Temple work had begun when Zechariah started preaching. Haggai’s ministry lasted less than four months while Zechariah’s ministry about two years. The lesson today is from chapter 3. This chapter is a prevision of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Joshua is the High Priest and He is clothed if filthy garments. They are removed, meaning that the people’s sins are forgiven and they have been accepted by God. It was a preview of the day when the sins of mankind would be removed “in one day” because of Jesus Christ.

The first section is “Satan Rebuked.” Satan is our enemy and he seeks to destroy us. People can fall into two errors regarding our adversary: believing he doesn’t exist or believing he is everywhere and the cause of every misfortune. Both views can get you off track. Satan is real. Verse 1 tells us he was standing at his right hand of Joshua. Notice Satan was standing not sitting. He was not going to stay long. Our Lord God has the power to rebuke Satan. God will destroy him in due time. Notice Satan is powerless to stop the rebuke. Satan was rebuked because God had chosen Jerusalem and the Jews had been delivered from their Babylonian captivity. Satan would have wanted the Jews to remain in captivity and assimilate into the Babylonian culture and disappeared totally. The Messiah was to be born a Jew and if Satan could have brought an end to the Jewish people, he could have stopped the Messiah from being born. God will have His way, and He did.

The second section is “Joshua Clothed and Charged.” Israel had been delivered from captivity but not cleansed. In this section, the filthy garment Joshua is wearing is removed. The garments represent a life of sin. God gives him a new set of clothes. The new clothes are the way of holiness. Joshua represents people who were saved (been set free from captivity), but there was a need for further cleansing, i.e. entire sanctification. After the cleansing, God gives Joshua a charge: “If thou wilt walk in my ways, and if thou wilt keep my charge, then thou shalt also judge my house, and shalt also keep my courts, and I will give thee places to walk among these that stand by.” One day believers will reign with Christ and judge the world (1 Corinthians 6:2). We need to be getting ready. We need to be on the highway of holiness.

The final section is “My Servant, the Branch.” After being cleansed and receiving his charge, God gives Zechariah a greater vision of the future. There would be a final Great High Priest, Jesus! Jesus Christ would come to earth as a Redeemer, a Servant, a Branch, a Stone. He would give His life for our salvation and sanctification. Jesus paid for our sins so we didn’t have to.

The lesson ends with a verse: “And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.” 1 Corinthians 6:11 Just as Joshua had deliverance from his uncleanness, so can we!

My summary points:
1. Satan is a defeated foe. We have the power from our Lord to defeat him through the blood of Jesus Christ.
2. After we are saved from our sins, we need to be cleansed from the sin nature. We call this entire sanctification. It is a Divine act in response to our entire consecration and faith.
3. One day we reign with Christ so we need to be ready to judge the world.
4. It is all because of Jesus Christ that we can be saved and sanctified.

Next week: “Hear the Words of the Lord.”
Don’t forget to ready the Sunday School Beacon to be encouraged!

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