Monday, September 16, 2019

More Children of the Old Man: Jealousy and Envy

We continue to look at more children of the old man. With all the problems these children cause, you would think that entire sanctification would be preached in every sermon! It was remarked about me, that if I was preaching on the flowers of the Bible, I would work holiness into the message. To which I responded, "Yes, I would!"


You certainly want to get introduced to Mr. Old Man's next daughter, Miss Envy Jealousy. She has certain prominent traits by which she may be distinguished from her various sisters. You will notice a very greenish cast in her eyes. She is grieved over the happiness and success of others. She is absolutely unable to love others as herself. In fact, she calls that rank fanaticism. She selfishly begrudges the enjoyment of those around her. She is unfriendly toward those who are prospering and are exalted to higher positions than she can attain. She cherishes a hearty ill will toward these. She has a very strong feeling of ill will against those who are intruding upon what she calls her rights. This ill will frequently leads to hatred, wrath and even murder. In the further study of this, you will learn more about Miss Envy Jealousy.

Strange to say of one of such character, Miss Envy Jealousy is a great churchgoer, and like her brothers and sisters is found not only in the pew, but also in the pulpit. She fills any office in the realm of the church, from the very lowest office of the local church to the highest office of the general connection. She is very busy in the interests of her father, Mr. Old Man, and of her grandfather, Mr. Devil. It would be hard to find a more loyal daughter than she. By her good (?) reputation in the church she can the more easily carry out the plans of her relatives and work havoc to the cause of God.

She is very wise in her work. Being such an apt mixer, she causes many compromises in the church. Preacher Man-fear Is afraid to resist her. And even Sliding Elder, Love-of-praise, must often bow to her tyranny to hold his place of popularity She is strongly opposed to preachers who preach the Word. When the Word is preached in the power of the Spirit she often gets restless, turns pale, and often even faints. At these times Dr. Delusion must give her strong opiates of false security to keep her from realizing her true condition. As you can imagine, she is radically opposed to and cruelly persecutes those who preach a salvation that saves to the uttermost.

Regardless of her strongest protests, we will study her character as revealed in the Word of God. And the first charge that we bring against this daughter of the Old Man is that she caused the sufferings and death of Jesus upon the cross. The chief priests hated Jesus' because they thought the people were turning to Him. Mark 15:10 says of them, "For he (Pilate,) knew that the chief priests had delivered him (Jesus) for envy." Envy leads to murder. Any heart that envies may, under certain provocations, commit the most cold-blooded murders known to man.

Let churches take warning. Miss Envy Jealousy is causing confusion, strife, divisions, etc., that are blasting the life of the church. "Where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work." No wonder that we have so much strife, so many divisions, so much confusion, so
much evil work." Of too many it might be said, "The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy." Let us give good heed to the exhortation: "Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another." The Word says of such, "For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal . . . . ?" Oh, that we would take warning from the counsel of God. "Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; BUT WHO IS ABLE TO STAND BEFORE ENVY?" Yea, "Envy is as the rottenness of the bones." Is it any wonder that this "rottenness of the bones" is causing such a stench in the nostrils of purity? This picture is enough to turn one's stomach. Right in the church, envy, "the rottenness of the bones", in all its loathsomeness is generating the stench of hell. No wonder Paul wrote the church at Corinth: "For I fear . . . lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, backbitings, whisperings, swellings, tumults." "For jealousy is the rage of a man.

Some things that reveal the presence of Miss Envy Jealousy. True statements from testimonies:
Envious or jealous of others OVER THEIR
Living in town Beautiful hands Leadership
Name coming first Experience
Having means to travel Being invited to a home Standing with the boss Pastor

Call to work
Prosperity in wickedness
Beautiful homes
Being mother's pet
Standing in the church, home, or society Short dresses
Boy or girl friend
Good position
Money and ease
Curly hair, beauty, fine clothes
(And just dozens more!)

Some of the brothers and sisters of Miss Envy Jealousy:
Murder Hatred Adultery Malice Fornication Backbiting Cruelty Drunkenness

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