Monday, September 23, 2019

Death Route Dodgers

Don't be a death route dodger!


It is nothing new for carnal leaders (official and non-official -- elected, or self appointed) in holiness churches, to drive pastors away and the Holy Ghost also, because of their bitter hatred of true "death-route" holiness. When preaching gets "under the skin" of controlling personalities, and they fear being "snowed under" and exposed, it is a dead giveaway that they have never settled the matter of the crucifixion and the sanctification of their own hearts.


However, the whole picture changes when official members backslide to the point that their preachers try to avoid persecution by being careful to never "dig anyone out" or "snow anyone under" as they used to. The most bitter opposition that ever comes to a true preacher of holiness, comes from those who have never paid the price for a truly sanctified heart, and never intend to. St. Paul faced this problem when dealing with the church at Galatia, for he asked them; "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" (Gal. 4:16). Any and every preacher that comes out clear and strong against the sins and carnal traits of which the people of his congregation are guilty, will suffer persecution from the hands of light rejecters. Preachers that have learned to appease and soothe carnality are on the devil's payroll and not Christ's!

T. E. Verner had it exactly right when he wrote: "As long as a pastor is true to God, he is the greatest man on earth. But when he lets down and fails to hold up the standard of righteousness, he is an enemy of God and the people...I know a preacher without the Holy Ghost is a failure." [21]


Any preacher on earth who preaches a false holiness, denying the death to self, is just as much an enemy of true Scriptural holiness as the one who flatly denies the holiness doctrine altogether. And, furthermore, if he does not believe in the crucifixion of self, it is a positive proof that he does not have the experience of true, Bible holiness in his own heart. He has never been crucified, which is the only Bible way to be wholly sanctified. If he had the blessing of holiness, he would not oppose the Scriptural way of obtaining it.

All ministers who are opposed to the crucifixion of self are preaching a perverted gospel, under Christ's banner, but under Satan's supervision. They definitely are Satan's ministers. What saith the Word? "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works" (2 Cor. 11:13, 15).


St. Paul and the Corinthians had trouble with Satan's ministers upsetting the people with a perverted gospel. Paul told the people of the church not to be surprised when Satan's ministers do as Satan did -- transforming themselves into apostles of Christ, and thereby deceiving the people.

Paul had no less trouble with the Christians in Galatia. He seemed surprised that they were so soon removed from the true gospel to a perverted gospel (Gal. 1:6, 7). In verse eight it is clear that someone was preaching a perverted gospel, switching the people off the right track. Paul told them in verse ten that he could not preach to please men and remain a servant of Christ. In other words, should he do so wickedly as to preach to please carnal and sinful people, he could not be the servant of Christ and would, thereby, become a servant of Satan -- one of Satan's preachers.

This means that every preacher in the world who knowingly and purposely shies away from Scriptural "death-route" holiness is preaching a perverted gospel, to please carnal people, and he is one of Satan's ministers.

This being true, Satan has always had far more ministers, preaching his perverted interpretation of the gospel, than Christ has preaching the truth. And without any question, there will be many more preachers in hell, than in heaven (Matt. 7:13-14).


Death dodgers are found in every realm. Someone referring to physical death, humorously remarked, "If I knew where I was to die, I never would go near the place!" One may smile at that, but seriously, that is exactly what the majority of professed Christian laymen, preachers, officials, executives, high and low, have done with respect to the death of their own carnal self. They shied away from their own execution. They are like the unsanctified Peter before Pentecost. He would sail into ecstasy on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matt. 17:4), but the very thought of crucifixion turned him off (Matt. 16:21-23).

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