Thursday, September 19, 2019

Scriptural Death Route Holiness

One of the most important books I have ever read other than the Bible is L.S. Boardman's "Scriptural Death Route Holiness." It was written to explain the necessity of taking the "death route" in seeking to be sanctified holy. I am starting a study of this book online and invite those that are interested in studying with me to contact me. I have 5 copies of the book that I am giving away free to those who wish to walk with me. However, be advised, this is not "fluff" reading. The book can be very convicting. Today, we look at several quotes from the book.

There are many and varied brands of holiness people in the world today. There is but one brand of holy people. The true, holy people are they, who have experienced the eradication of the carnal nature with the purifying of the heart in holy love. They believe this truth because the Bible so clearly teaches it, and because they have gone that route themselves in personal experience. They do not believe that suppression is God's ideal plan for dealing with the carnal nature in man. They did practice suppression before they were sanctified wholly (at least we hope they did!) but when they became sanctified they no longer had that carnal problem -- that is -- not as long as they walked with God and retained the blessing of a pure heart.

One must understand at the outset what is meant by the term "death-route." People will never agree on any subject when they define their terms differently. Some of the strongest hostilities to "death-route" Christianity come from people who misunderstand what we mean by the term.

It certainly is deplorable for one to degrade a Biblical teaching as vital as is "death-route" holiness, and do an untold amount of damage to the cause of true holiness, simply because one does not understand what is meant by the term.

By the term "death-route" we mean, taking our stand against carnality and turning over every revealed carnal trait to the Holy Ghost, for its slaying. Carnal traits, however, are not crucified one at time. They are surrendered (died out to) one at a time, under the searching light of the Holy Spirit, when one is seeking a sanctified heart. Then, when the Holy Spirit strikes the death blow to one's corrupt nature, all of the carnal traits are destroyed in one master stroke of divine power. Thus, the heart is purified and made perfect in the holy love of God which is shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Ghost (Rom. 5:5). Only dead people fully live -- dead to self and alive unto God!

Our son, Charles R. (Chuck) Boardman says, "For twenty-five years I have defined the 'Death-route' as the divine pathway through which God leads the seeking soul."

"Break off the yoke of inbred sin,
And fully set my spirit free:
I cannot rest till pure within,
Till I am wholly lost in Thee."

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