Sunday, September 8, 2019

10th Bible Study: Hear the Words of the Lord

The study today is from the 7th chapter of the book of Zechariah. For 70 years the people had been fasting in the 4th, 5th, 7th and 10th months, mourning the destruction of the Temple. Now that it appeared as if the Temple would be rebuilt, the question arose as to whether the fasts should be continued. In reply, Zechariah reminds the people that there had been good reason for their fasts, in penitence for their disobedience and consequent affliction; but that now their fastshad become a mere outward pretense of exhibiting their own holiness, and their religious feasts were for their own pleasure.

The first section is “You Did Not Learn.” In this part we see that God was not pleased with their selfish religious practices. While man can be fooled, God cannot. He sees right through half hearted religious practices. The people were doing the right things, but for the wrong reasons. Man looks on the outward appearance; God looks on the heart. It is always wise for the Christian to examine what they are doing and why are they doing it. Many go to church because they love just the fellowship and community. While both of those considerations are important and have value, they must not be the driving force in going to church. We go to church to worship and glorify God. Don’t be like the people in Zechariah’s day who simply perform a religious ritual without having God at the center.

The second section is “The Lesson.” God is always faithful to send a messenger to warn His people. What God required years ago, He still requires of us today. What is the requirement? God does not change. His moral laws do not change. Their fasts were not important; keeping God’s laws was important, in fact it was imperative. The requirement is obedience to His Word and commands. The commands of God are always more important than the rituals instituted by man. If you go to church today, observe (not in judgment), how much is man’s ritual versus what God has commanded in His Word about worshipping Him. In this section we see both positive and negative commands. The people were to be sensitive to the needs of others and to show mercy and compassion. Negatively, they were not oppress other people. God’s commands always contain some “dos” and “don’ts“.

The third section is “Their Response.” How did the people respond? First, they refused to hearken. They “pulled away the shoulder” which means they were stubborn and refused to yield to God. Then they stopped their ears. Finally, they made their hearts hard as stone. Note the progression: refused to hear, became stubborn, stopped their ears in contempt and made their hearts hard as stone. If you want a roadmap for bringing God’s curse and judgment on your life, there you have it.

The fourth section is “God’s Response.” God called the people to repentance. The people had not learned the lesson. If the heart is not right, rituals and ceremonies are an abomination to God. Man-made ceremonies may look good to man, they may look religious, but they are worthless. The lesson began with the people asking whether their fasts should continue. God had given His answer. Do you think they learned the lesson?

The Golden Text for the lesson comes from Isaiah 55:3: “Incline your ear, and come unto me: and your soul shall live.” In Hebrew the word “Hear” means not just to have an auditory experience but to have the words impact your actions. If you hear God’s Word, and allow it to affect your actions, your soul will live eternally forever with Him. What does His Word say: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. Repent for the Kingdom of God is Hear. Did you hear it?

My summary points:
1. Don’t settle for empty religious ceremonies that appeal to the flesh.
2. Read the Word to hear God speak to you and then obey the Word.
3. Never turn your back on God’s Word because it will take you down a progression that ends with a heart of stone.

Next week: “King Over All the Earth.” If you like end times studies, you will like next week!

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