Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Last Look at the Children of the Old Man

We could spend many more days looking at the different children of the old man. If you spend any time in a local church, you will see many more of his offspring. I'm so thankful that there is an answer to the carnality problem. The old man is to be eradicated not suppressed. If you see evidence of the old man in your life, the postings on this blog provide you clear steps to enter into a walk of holiness. Don't live a moment longer with the old man in your life.


To describe all the children of father Old Man would be impossible within the compass of this book. As far as we know, there is no compiled list of his children, but there are certain groups of similar traits. Shall we notice a few of these?

The children that appeal to the flesh, among whom are these sons and daughters of Mr. Old Man: Adultery (often only in the heart), Fornication, Uncleanness, Lasciviousness, Lust, Dance, Glutton, etc. These children work on the human heart and body. Through the influence of their activity, man gives way to the flesh. Evil imaginations are welcomed, overeating is indulged in which tends to stir up the animal in man, and often tobacco, cigarettes, and strong drink are freely used. These influences have a tendency to inflame the human heart as described by Jesus in Mark 7:21-23. From these things we turn with loathing. Only God can save the human heart from them.

The children of father Old Man who appeal to the tongue, among whom we note some sons and daughters: Scandal, Sarcasm, Evil Speaker, Backbiter, Whisperer, False Witness, Discord Sower, Tattler, Long Tongue, Murmurer, Grumbler, Mocker, Criticiser, Gossiper, Liar, Blasphemer, Curser, Big Ear, etc., etc. All these are carrying on their pernicious work to the intense delight of their father, Mr. Old Man, and grandfather, Mr. Satan. They wreck homes, blast lives, divide churches, kill reputations, populate hell, etc.

The egotistical children, among whom may be mentioned sons and daughters as follows: Boasters, Self-sufficiency, Self-righteousness, Heady, High-mindedness. These with many others carry on their share of the work of damning souls. They are proud of their attainments. They are so wise that they think the Bible is out of date. What cannot be proved by human reason is, to them, to be rejected. This leads man into Evolution, Higher Criticism, Rationalism, Deism, Infidelity, Modernism, etc.
Among the more refined (?) children, we find such sons and daughters as: Love of Creature, Love of Self, Love of Style, Love of the World, Love of Popularity, Love of Pomp, Splendor of Life, Haughtiness, Worldly Conformity, Touchiness, Peevishness, Carnal Cunning, Ingratitude, Guile, Sensitiveness, Self-glory, Evil Suspicion, Pride of Life, Self-pity, Vanity, Carnal Ambition, Conceit, Arrogance, etc. All these are working as faithfully for the interests of hell as are the children Anger, Adultery, Murder, Blasphemy, Deceit, etc.

Among the "love of money" children are such sons and daughters as: Covetousness, Greed, Miser, Extortioner, Thief, Cruelty, Oppression, Hardheaded, No Pity, Evil Eye, Betrayer, Love of Gain, etc. All these are faithful workers for the advancement of sin.
Among the mulish sons of Mr. Old Man we find: Stubbornness
Rebellion Obstinacy Hard-head Self-will Contrariness Inflexibility etc.
All these are doing a great work.

Among the children of uncertainty, we find such sons and daughters as: Doubt, Bondage, Question Mark, Discouragement, Wavering, Weakness, etc. These children are very active in the interests of their father and grandfather. Satan is well pleased with their work unless they go too far. If they go too far, it will reveal the presence of the Old Man. Satan does not want to do this lest those who are troubled with these children should go to a camp meeting or a revival and have Mr. Old Man put to death.

Among the indolent children we find such sons and daughters as: Sloth, Indolence, Laziness, Slowpoke, Love of Sleep, Love of Ease, etc. These children are all successful in aiding father Old Man in his destructive campaign against godliness.
Time would fail us to go on and describe all of the children of father Old Man. This is a suggestive study. You may continue it to the profit of yourself and others.

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