Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Spiritual Questionnaire


This test will allow you to see where you are spiritually?

Do I enjoy my religion? Y. N.
Do I enjoy prayer? Y. N.
Do I take time to read my Bible and pray? Y. N.
Do I enjoy reading my Bible? Y. N.
Do I enjoy getting alone and having quiet times with Jesus? Y. N.
Am I enjoying walking in the light that God has given me? Y. N.
Am I careful to not grieve the Holy Spirit even in small things? Y. N.
Do I let the cares or pleasures of life choke out prayer and the Word? Y. N.
Have I recently rejoiced over the Word, as one rejoiceth who findeth a great spoil? Y. N. Have I recently been blessed real good around the family altar? Y. N.
In my private prayer? Y. N.
Have I lately prayed for lost souls? Y. N.
Do I willingly practice fasting? Y. N.
Do I rise early to have time to get alone with God? Y. N.
Am I allowing things in my life that hinder my prayers? Y. N.
Do I steadfastly and determinedly take time to pray and worship God? Y. N. Am I laying aside the weight which hinders my spiritual running? Y. N.
Am I a good example? Y. N.
Do I enjoy thinking and talking about the things of God? Y. N.
Do I enjoy the company of deeply spiritual people? Y. N.
Does my heart pant after a closer walk with God? Y. N.
Do I desire to be made all that grace can make me? Y. N.
Do I have fellowship with Jesus? Y. N.
Do I have the spirit that returns good for evil? Y. N.
That goes the second mile? Y. N.
That forgives my enemies? Y. N.
That loves my enemies? Y. N.
That does to others as I want them to do to me? Y. N.
Do I keep a meek and quiet spirit; do I keep sweet when imposed upon? Y. N. When reproved? Y. N.
When slighted? Y. N.
When turned down? Y. N.
When not appreciated? Y. N.
When others are put above me? Y. N.
When asked to do some lowly task? Y. N.
When suffering for doing good? Y. N.
Do I become provoked? Y. N.
Down in the depths of my heart (though I may not say a word) do I feel the stirrings of anger? Y. N.
Of envy? Y. N.
Of hatred? Y. N.
Of jealousy? Y. N.
Of revenge? Y. N.
Of bitterness? Y. N.
Of selfishness? Y. N.
Do I enjoy having the best chair, the best apple in the dish, the best piece of pie on the plate -- when others have what is left? Y. N.
Do I seek the easiest tasks? Y. N.
Is the praise of man sweet to my taste? Y. N. Do I love to have my name head the list? Y. N. Do I enjoy being flattered? Y. N.
Being at the head of things? Y. N.
Do I seek the happiness of others? Y. N.
Am I striving to make others happy? Y. N.
Am I gentle towards all men? Y. N.
Can I bear with the infirmities of others? Y. N. Am I too hasty in judging others? Y. N.
Do I hope the best of others? Y. N.
Do I put the best construction on the acts of others? Y. N.
Do I entertain evil surmisings of others? Y. N.
Do I watch others with a suspicious eye? Y. N.
Do I have respect of persons? Y. N.
Do I excuse in my "set" what I condemn in others? Y. N.
Do I enjoy having other people praised in my presence? Y. N.
Do I go up the miff tree when slighted, imposed upon or rebuked? Y. N. When I cannot have my own way? Y. N.
When others do better than I? Y. N.
When taken to task by one in authority? Y. N.
When not put first? Y. N.
When not appreciated? Y. N.
When others are advanced over me? Y. N.
When I am misunderstood, or misjudged? Y. N.
When others do what I think they ought not do? Y. N.
Do I ever have the pouts? Y. N.
The sulks? Y. N.
Become grouchy? Y. N.
Do I speak evil of others? Y. N.
Do I criticize people behind their backs? Y. N.
Do I scold? Y. N.
Do I murmur? Y. N.
Do I speak roughly to home people? Y. N.
Do I say words that are unkind, cutting, or sarcastic? Y. N.
Do I say about others what I would not say about my mother, father, or other loved ones? Y. N.
Is my tongue under control? Y. N.
Do I observe the "Golden Rule" in talking about others? Y. N.
Do I ever feel a spirit of resentment -- though I may not say a word, and may wear a smile -- when crossed, or reproved? Y. N.
When slighted, or not appreciated? Y. N. When persecuted? Y. N.
When suffering for doing good? Y. N. When lied about? Y. N.

When others start defaming stories? Y. N.
When others, with lesser abilities, are put above me? Y. N. Do I feel a spirit of levity? Y. N.
Of a stony heart? Y. N.
Of unbelief? Y. N.
Of unsanctified ambitions? Y. N.
Of uncharitable thoughts toward others? Y. N.
Of self-will? Y. N.
Do I feel a spirit of pride of self? Y. N.
Of my family? Y. N.
Of my ability? Y. N.
Of my talents? Y. N.
Of superiority because of my position, or education or standing? Y. N.
Of pride because of my preaching, or singing, or praying, or works? Y. N.
Of pride over my looks, or social standing, etc? Y. N.
Do I have a spirit of charity towards the weak, the untalented, the uneducated, the poor, the unfortunate ones? Y. N.
Is my supreme desire to glorify God? Y. N.
Do I have any controversy with God? Y. N.
Do I seek my pleasure rather than His? Y. N.
Can I bear insults, reproaches, and injuries with meekness? Y. N.
Is there any one of whom I can say that I love the creature more than the Creator? Y. N. Is there any person or thing that I am unwilling to give up? Y. N.

Am I willing to suffer for Jesus? Y. N.
Do I have a teachable spirit? Y. N.
Do I have a humble spirit? Y. N.
Am I willing to be taught even by those who seem or are below me? Y. N. Am I a faithful steward in finances? Y. N.

Do I confess that I am only a steward? Y. N.
Do I joyfully give as God prospers me? Y. N.
Does my love for Jesus reach my pocketbook and close it in denial of self and open it for others? Y. N.
In the face of 1,000,000,000 souls without the Gospel, can I justify myself in the amount of money I use for my home? Y. N.
For food? Y. N.
For my auto? Y. N. For pleasures? Y. N.
For luxuries or nicknacks? Y. N.
Am I strengthened in the inner man unto all longsuffering with joyfulness? Y. N.
Is my life hid with Christ in God? Y. N.
Am I crucified with Christ? Y. N.
Can I say, "Let Christ be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death"? Y. N.
Am I seeking those things which are above? Y. N.
Can I say, "To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain"? Y. N.
Are the liberties which I take hindering others? Y. N.
Am I lifting up Jesus before loved ones, enemies, storekeepers, etc? Y. N.
Am I bearing the burdens of others? Y. N.
Am I lifting up the hands that hang down? Y. N.
Have I a conscience void of offense toward man and to ward God? Y. N.
Do I become provoked and jerk my horse, or kick the cat or dog, or slap the children (in wrong spirit), or speak snappish to loved ones? Y. N.
Do I get provoked over the car that won't start, or the fire that won't burn, or the hog that won't go into the pen, or the calf that won't drink, or the horse that tramps on my feet, or the cow that kicks, or the neighbor's stock in my field or flower garden? Y. N.
If my car, or mule, or cow, or stove could testify for me at church, would I welcome their testimony? Y. N.
Do I strive to keep my body under, and honor it as the temple of the Holy Spirit? Y. N. Have I turned my back upon the world? Y. N.
Have I settled it in my heart to go through with God regardless of the cost? Y. N.
Is it my aim, my purpose, to make Heaven my home? Y. N.

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