Sunday, September 29, 2019

13th Bible Study: The Lord Whom Ye Seek

Today, we conclude the quarterly study on the Minor Prophets. We have examined the writings of Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. We have observed a trend of God’s people having a difficult time obeying the Lord’s will, God sending a messenger with His directions, and finally, varying responses by the people. Today, we focus on Malachi chapter 3. Chapter 3 involves a response to the people’s skepticism: the coming of the Day of Judgment will answer their taunts, and show whether it pays to serve God and ends with an abrupt change of subject, tithes.

The first section of the lesson is “He Shall Come.” When God comes to judge He will be like “a refiner’s fire and like fuller’s some,” purifying, cleansing, and removing the dross. He will separate the precious from the vile. Those that belong to the Lord and serve Him are precious and His peculiar treasure. Those with faith in Christ are to be “a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God By Jesus Christ.” God will have a holy ministry and holy laity. Despite of some of the nonsense that tries to pass itself off as Christian ministry, a day of judgment is coming and all that is not holy and truly dedicated to God will face the consequences. In His high priestly prayer John 17, Jesus prayed that the disciples and their followers would be sanctified. We are to serve Him in holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives. Luke 1:74,75

The second session is “Return Unto Me.” The people asked, “Where is the God of Judgment?” God answered their question, “I will draw near to you to Judgment.” God sees all and knows all. The list of those condemned included sorcerers, adulterers, false swearers, those oppressing hired laborers, widows, and the fatherless, and those that defraud the stranger. The Lord does not change. What He disliked centuries ago, He dislikes today. God is unchanging in His holiness and therefore unchanging in His hatred of sin. Too often today, the church overlooks sin in an effort to increase its size, hoping that eventually people will get “saved.” While the Lord does not want anyone to be lost, He does have a method to get people right with Him. It’s called preaching the gospel. It’s telling the people the truth. Repent and be baptized and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Understand that though sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, it will be executed. We are to draw near to God, and He will draw near to us. When we do, the day of judgment does not bring fear, but instead a loving God that we rejoice in His appearing.

The third section is: “Bring All the Tithe.” This at first appears to be an abrupt change, but is it? God gets more specific and cites a material transgression which cannot be denied. Will a man rob God? Let the power of that statement sink in. Man has the ability to rob God. Those that do rob God, are”cursed with a curse.” While the curse comes, God extends mercy and shows them the path of remedy: “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse.” God says to prove Him. When the people obey God, He has promised to pour out a blessing upon them. Not only would God bless them, He would rebuke the devourer. That is shouting ground! If we would have God open His treasury, then we must open ours. Dr. Adam Clarke said, “What you give to God shall never lessen your store.”

The lesson ends with the Golden Text: “And the glory of the LORD shall be received, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” Isaiah 40:5

My summary points:
1. There is a Day of Judgment coming and we must be ready for it.
2. We are ready for that day when we are saved and sanctified and walking in obedience.
3. We are to trust God by giving tithes and offerings to ministries that are kingdom building. This excludes ministries that want money for airplanes, fancy mansions for the preachers and lavish surroundings. Sow your tithe into good ground and you will reap an abundant harvest.

Next Sunday begins a new quarter. We will be studying the book of Hebrews. This study will take you deeper in your faith. Contact me if you want the materials. They are free and postpaid.

1 comment:

  1. My summary points:
    1. There is a Day of Judgment coming and we must be ready for it.
    2. We are ready for that day when we are saved and sanctified and walking in obedience.
    3. We are to trust God by giving tithes and offerings to ministries that are kingdom building. This excludes ministries that want money for airplanes, fancy mansions for the preachers and lavish surroundings. Sow your tithe into good ground and you will reap an abundant harvest.
    *******************Beautiful assurance!***************
