Thursday, September 5, 2019

Results of Not Seeking Holiness

If someone rejects the message of holiness, what are some of the consequences? First, it affords fearful advantage to Satan, our great enemy. He comes to enslave the soul with fear, to inspire it with the love of the world, and induce rebellion against God. In the soul not entirely sanctified, he will find some tendency to unbelief, to fear, to pride, to lust, and indeed, to every sin.

Second, rejection of holiness is the occasion of frequent defeat in spiritual conflicts. Sinning and repenting, rising and falling, are prominent characteristics of those who refuse to seek the blessing of holiness.

Third, rejection of holiness is the origin of those grievous apostasies which dishonor the church. Think of the many high profile ministers that have fallen into sexual sin and brought a shame on the church and Christianity in general. I do note that many came from those denominations or sects that reject the doctrine of entire sanctification. There is a clear connection between those that reject holiness and falling back into sin. I do not infer that those sanctified cannot fall back into sin, only that it is far less likely.

Fourth, a neglect to seek holiness can cause a spirit of opposition to holiness. While I always find it interesting to contend with those who oppose holiness because I am arguing that God has both the willingness and power to cleanse the heart from sin and the other Christian argues that He doesn’t. If Satan can lure a person into deep sin, which both Scripture and experience confirm, why cannot our most omnipotent God cleanse the heart from inner corruption.

I have seen over the years that people that fear (not God) and manifest extreme worry, generally are not entirely sanctified. Why would this be? The entirely sanctified heart does not fear the present or the future because it has been abandoned to God in consecration.

So what are you worried about today?

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