Friday, September 20, 2019

A Path to Apostasy

From “Scriptural Death Route Holiness,” we read:

Anything less than the crucifixion of self, is, in essence, rebellion against God, because either Christ or self will reign in every life. When self demands control, then Christ backs off (Luke 14:26). He will not play “second fiddle.” Self on the throne is humanism—self worship. Humanism, which, in essence is rebellion against God, leads directly into witchcraft and the occult, because Samuel said, “rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft...” (1 Samuel 15:23). Carrying this analogy a step farther: the spirit of self-worship, which places self before God, is the spirit of Antichrist. When self is elevated, Christ is lowered.

Thus, carnality leads from rebellion to humanism; from humanism to witchcraft; from witchcraft to apostasy; and from apostasy to eternal damnation. This coincides with the reasoning which led the preachers of the early holiness movement to preach “holiness or Hell”—an emphasis which the more liberal holiness advocates will no longer accept.

The humanist says, “I can do all things through the latent powers within me, once those powers are released.” The Christian says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phil. 4:13). Therefore, the crucifixion of sell is the only absolute safeguard against humanism, witchcraft and eventual apostasy. When one shies away willfully from the crucifixion of self, he invites self-worship and is on the road to humanism, witchcraft, apostasy and finally eternity in the fires of hell, without God and without hope forever.

One of the goals of this blog is to preach the truth about holiness because I know that most churches do not preach this message. Sadly, humanism is alive and prospering in most assemblies Sunday morning. We can stop humanism if we are willing to stand for truth. We must preach holiness, live holiness, and while we still have time, proclaim it from the housetops.

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