Sunday, September 15, 2019

11th Bible Study: King Over All the Earth

Today’s lesson comes from Zechariah chapter 14. This chapter starts with Judah’s struggle with the nations (verses 1-2) and ends with God’s victory and universal reign (verses 3-21). The passage speaks of the grand consummation of the prophetic dreams, the Day of the Lord’s return and the inauguration of His everlasting kingdom. Some scholars believe that when Jesus returns, He will literally make His throne on the Mount of Olives. We need to have an understanding of end times events. Not all Christians agree, but the following are the basis of many churches belief concerning the end times:
1. The rapture of the church (1 Thessalonians 4:16,17): believers are caught up in the air, both the living and those that died in the faith, to meet Jesus and go to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
2. With the church removed, a seven year tribulation period will begin. Things will become even worse on the earth, and the anti-Christ will emerge.
3. The entire world will turn on Israel and seek to destroy it.
4. Jesus comes again all the way back to earth, defeats the enemies of Israel, and establishes His kingdom for 1000 years, known as the Millennium.

The first part of the lesson is “All Nations Against Jerusalem.” The enemies of Israel will be initially successful. “The city shall be taken,” but not all the people are taken captive. One day the nations will turn against Israel. There seems to be an increasing anti-Israel sentiment in our country. This is significant because the USA has always been a staunch supporter of Israel. This has changed with the current President who is a strong supporter of the Jewish people, but many people including some elected officials dislike Israel. We should be watching how nations treat Israel because it is a good end times barometer.

The second section is “The Lord Shall Fight.”  Just when it looks like all is lost for Israel, King Jesus returns. The Lord actually fights against the nations (verse 3). Our churches today seem to over emphasize the loving, friendly, nurturing Jesus. While He is those things, He is also a fighter who will bring about the destruction of His enemies! It will take holiness of heart to be ready for the coming of the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 3:13 states: “To the end he may establish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.” Jesus is coming back for a holy people. He will establish His kingdom with holy people. What He has promised to do, He will complete. We must remember that when things look the darkest, God is still on the throne and His light will conquer the darkness.  When it seems inevitable that darkness will set in, then God brings forth the light. (Psalm 112:4)

The third section is “The Lord Shall Be King.” When it appears that the enemy will triumph, the Lord goes forth and fights. He wins and establishes His Kingdom. In that day, there will be only one Lord. (Verse 9) There will be no competing religions, no idols to be worshipped, tolerance of false religions will be over. There will be no more destruction in the land. This will be the beginning of the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth.

The Golden Text is: “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” Revelation 11:15 That is shouting ground!

My summary points:
1. There are times that it looks like the enemy will win. Don’t be discouraged because the Lord is ready to fight for you.
2. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming back for a holy people. It is His will that we be holy, and through His divine action He can make us Holy when we meet His conditions.
3. Our Lord will triumph. No matter how bad things at times may look, we have a sure hope that Jesus will one day ultimately rule on the earth.

Next week’s lesson: Wherein?”

Don’t forget to read the Sunday School Beacon to be encouraged.

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