Saturday, September 14, 2019

Another Carnal Trait: Anger

Once again we look at the writings of E.G. Marsh from his book "The Old Man." Anger is not a character flaw. It is a carnal trait. It is destroyed when the old man is eradicated when one is entirely sanctified. True holiness doctrine teaches that the old man is to be eradicated not suppressed. You suppress carnal traits when you are saved but not sanctified. When you are not saved you rarely surpress carnal traits unless you have a motive for doing so, e.g. keeping your employment. However, when you are entirely sanctified, there is nothing to surpress.

Let us now meet one of Mr. Old Man's most fully grown sons, his overgrown son, Anger. He is easily recognized. His traits are so outstanding and so well known that there is little difficulty in knowing him wherever he appears. His outward appearance is contrastive to that of his sisters, Pride and Miff Tree.

He is outspoken, red-faced, rough in his ways, has fiery eyes, well-developed feet and fists, a well-sharpened tongue, has a powerful muscular system, etc., etc. Notwithstanding these traits, he is of one heart and blood with his sisters, Pride and Miff Tree. They are known to love one another greatly. He is indeed very proud of them and they are proud of him. All get their distinguishing traits from their father, the very popular and famous citizen of the land of sin, Mr. Old Man. Sometimes they all go out to church together. This affords father Old Man great pleasure as he sits in the best pew or in the Amen Corner, or stands in the pulpit and watches his children in their church activities.
Anger, in its root meaning, has the thought of a pent-up state or condition. May be likened to the condition of the inside of a mountain before the eruption of lava takes place. How true is this of the natural human heart! And how often the eruption does take place right in the home, in society, in the church. Mr. Old Man uses his beloved son Anger in openly opposing the work of God. He delights in destroying the peace of the home, of social meetings, of the church. He is very apt in the work of cursing, of cruelty to man and beast, of hatred, of scandal, of murder. Mr. Anger breaks up homes, fills prisons, maims children, splits up churches and helps to populate hell. He is not only a favorite of his father, Mr. Old Man, but also of his grandfather, Mr. Devil.
Certainly the disposition of Mr. Anger, like his sisters, Pride and Miff Tree, is contrary to the spirit of love. Anger has the spirit of ill will, of hate, of revenge, of murder. This child of the Old Man is a foe of the Bible. He greatly hates for us to read: "In their anger they slew a man . . . .
cursed be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel." -- Gen. 49:6,7. Also he has a cruel hatred for Eph. 4:3because this condemns him and some of his beloved brothers. "Let
all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice."

He has a hearty grudge against these words of holy writ, "Cease from anger, and forsake wrath." He shows off also in a spirit that gratifies his father, when one preaches from the text: "But now ye al so put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth." He has declared war on all who preach the Word without fear and favor. And has a special hatred for those who preach that his father should be put to death.

Some traits that show Mr. Anger. True statements from verified testimonies. Manifested anger WHEN
The cow kicked
The hogs got out
The hogs rooted up the garden
The car would not start
The mule balked
Called a liar
Food was scorched
Clean floor was tracked
The cake would not rise
Dinner was late
Called in the morning
The horse would not follow the row 

Sister would not mind me
The plow struck a rock
Husband invited the preacher to dinner 

Auto stuck in the mud
My car was abused
The boss wronged me
Neighbor's cows got into my field
The same preacher came back
Sent to the hard scrabble circuit
The debts were not paid
Calves would not drink
I was contradicted
My friend went out with a rival 

Mother was partial
Brother had the larger piece of pie 

Had to work instead of going fishing 
Cats got on the table
Friend took all the cream off the milk 

Binder would not work
Ax was dull
The hen would not sit

(These are just a few of the many manifestations of anger. Perhaps you can add to the list.)

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