Thursday, September 12, 2019

Paying the Price

The following is from L.S. Boardman’s book, “Scriptural Death Route Holiness:”

Amanda Smith, the internationally renowned lady evangelist, tells us that when God shed His light upon her heart for her need of entire sanctification, under the teaching of John Inskip, she recognized that she must make a total and eternal consecration. In looking about, she discovered that all she had was her self and her washtub and washboard. These she consecrated and God sanctified her. She says: “You must make your consecration Complete, and you must make it eternal. I gave everything to God. All I had was my self, and my washtub and washboard; but I gave all, and the Spirit came and sanctified my soul.”

The greatly loved and renowned Amy Carmichael said, “If I refuse to be a corn of wheat that falls into the ground and dies...then I know nothing of Calvary love.” Everyone seeking a deeper experience in holiness must die, dead, dead, dead! Dead to self; dead to the world; dead to every carnal trait; dead to sin; dead to everybody and everything; past, present and future, if one would be sanctified, with the love of God shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Ghost (Romans 5:5).

I have decided to be more radical for holiness than ever before. If this offends you, the problem is not with the one pressing holiness upon you. We must stand for Scriptural Holiness, preach it, live it, and press the experience upon others. We can not allow shallow consecrations and a “taking it by faith” approach without dying to self and taking the death route. We need to be fully committed to the message of holiness because without holiness, you will not see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14.

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